在良知的驅使下,即使我們如何努力地保持專業,也是很有限的,尤其是在警方濫捕及濫暴香港市民的同時,我們已經不能容許自己在婚禮上再給他們送上微笑祝福! 縱使我們深信世上有好人壞人之分,警察也有所謂的黑與白之別,但我們更需要的,是公平、公正的去分辨服務對象!
在成立獨立調查委員會之前,所有警務人員的任何喜慶節目,一律不再接受預約!以上是我們一班婚禮從業員的心聲,希望能為香港我們這個家,盡一點綿力; 以及將一直以來的核心價值包括公平、努力、包容、相愛,好好保護下來。而且我們更希望,香港不同階層、不同行業、不同身份的左鄰右里,也可以一齊加入、一齊加油、一齊罷接警婚!
Joint Declaration from the Hong Kong Wedding Industry
We believe in the Rule of Law spirit. It has been disheartening to witness the recent police brutality events, where certain Hong Kong Police members have abused their power, tortured, publicly humiliated, and arrested the innocent.
Unfortunately it has come to the point where it is no longer viable for us to provide our genuine blessing to any clients from the Police force during their wedding ,as incidents involving potential police misconduct reoccur on a daily basis. We can no longer turn a blind eye to such events.
There has been a notable lack of commitment from the Hong Kong government to address the current violation of civilians’ rights. Therefore, in order to uphold the values we believe in, we declare that: before an Independent Commission on Policing can be properly established to lay criminal charges against the police officers involved in misbehaviour, and to ensure those who committed a violation of human rights are brought to justice, we will no longer accept any reservations from the Hong Kong Police force with regard to any celebratory events.
#香港人 #反抗 #光復香港 #時代革命 #五大訴求 #缺一不可 #反送中文宣 #黃 #雨 傘 #各行各業一起罷 #拒絕警暴 #我們一起罷 #你不配 #婚禮界 #良知 #黑白