Honored to be a part of The 20th Annual SCAN Progressive Dinner & Auction! Thank you Greater Richmond SCAN (Stop Child Abuse Now) for this wonderful opportunity!
We are excited to highlight the talents of 2022 Progressive Dinner Chef Partners Justin Burchill and Robyn Carter on this .
Justin Burchill spent time as Executive Chef at Tazza Kitchen, where he stayed until opportunities arose first at Rappahannock, then at Yellow Umbrella Provisions, and now as a private chef and consultant.
Robyn Carter is a professionally trained chef with over 25 years experience in the food service industry. She is the owner and chef at Carolina Girl Catering. Carolina Girl is all about her local community. Robyn takes local products from small, local farms and turns them into beautiful dishes that evoke emotion!
Read their full bios and learn about all our 2022 Chef and Restaurant Partners at https://grscan.com/chef-information/