International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research in Science, Society and Culture (IJIRSSC)
ISSN: 2395 - 4345(P) , 2455-2909 (O)
Submission Deadline: 20th June, 2024
Call for Papers
International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research in Science, Society and Culture (IJIRSSC) is an online and printed , open access peer reviewed journal. The aim of this journal is to promote the new innovative ideas in all fields of research.
1. All branches of Science & Technology.
2. All branches of Social Science.
3. Cultural Studies including Media ,Performing Art & Music.
4. Social , Political & Cultural Conflicts.
5. International Studies.
6. And any other research related branches.
The IJIRSSC journal welcomes to the authors for publications of high quality papers on theoretical developments and practical applications in different area of research .
Authors are kindly invited to submit their full text papers including abstract, objectives, methodology, results and discussions, tables, figures, conclusions, and references. The text paper must be according to IJIRSSC Paper format and paper format is attached along with this mail. Full text papers will be accepted in only .doc/.docx format.
The text paper should be send to [email protected].
Last Date for submission of full paper: 20th June,2024.
Intimation of Accepted Papers by Email: Within 7 days
Expected Date of Publication: 5th July,2024
Frequency: 02 Issue per year
We request you to contribute an Research Paper, Book Review and Case Comments in your area of specialization. The content should be of current importance and value to the existing literature on the specialized area. Every Research Paper received for publication shall be accepted after a positive response of the Reviewers.
Kindly circulate this invitation letter among your colleagues, department and the organization as well.
Hoping your positive response and co-operation and looking forward to your valuable contribution.
For further information, please contact us at [email protected].
Detailed instructions are available on IJIRSSC website www.ijirssc.co.in
With Warm Regards,
International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research in Science, Society and Culture (IJIRSSC)
Guwahati, Assam, India.