Some events to get you all excited to come back and volunteer with TechOps.
1. We have our first ever recruiting event tomorrow 7/20 @ Dad's Garage. Bring folks to recruit for TechOps. Stay around for a show if you wish: bit.ly/3VPm6Hy #/instances/a0FTN000000dPOL2A2 code: DRAGONVOL50 for a discount on tix.
2. Sound school has a date! Aug 3. Event is posted here in the channel. Please RSVP for it just so we can keep a head count.
3. Our annual pre-con gathering will again be held at Dad's Garage on Aug 11. We'll get the event posted in the channel as well with all the relevant info.
OK folks. Dragon Con is approaching. Your shoes should already be broken in. Start making your supply runs, getting your logistics sorted, start some stretching, take your vitamins, and get ready to slay another dragon! See you all soon!
As you were!