Do you suffer from anxiety/depression?
If so, you probably also have a mind full of negative self-talk.
I call those negative voices "the dark and twisties," and they creep into your psyche during the pause between your breaths.
Many people are breath-holders without realizing it.
So, the next time you feel your anxiety/depression rise, take a deep breath. Then, notice - do you tend to hold your breath out or hold your breath in?
Practice eliminating your pause in between breaths, and watch the dark and twisties lose their power over you.
#justbreath #justbreathe #thepowerofnow #beherenow #anxiety #depression #youvegotthis #yoga #breath #breathe #breathwork
The 360 show at @silodallas blew our minds! We've never seen lasers like that at a club show. Apparently, the lasers belong to Levity. So, DON'T MISS them if you have the opportunity to see them live. They put on a hell of a show!
We just happened to stumble into the set at @electric_forest 2023 that launched their career, we ended up on the front row and have been fans ever since. So, it was super sweet seeing them headline their own show.
#grateful #edm #festivalfairygodmother #ravemom #ravelife #plur
Your body is the only consistent home you'll have on this planet, so take time to care for it daily. You're worth the time and effort. Happy New Year, friends!
#yoga #yogapractice #yogamom #yogadaily #yogainspiration #flow #reels #iloveyou #discoverpage
I've been doing this practice every morning for the past 8 years. Agni is the internal fire, and it can be used to transform stagnant energy from our roots into fuel for the heart.
#masterspractice #agnisara #yoga #yogateacher #reels #discoverpage
I hope to see you at my farewell Red Tent Women's Circle this Sunday from 3-6pm at @kelleryoga
#redtent #redtentwomenscircle #Goddess #danceitout #womenscircle #sisterhood #ecstasy #ecstatic #ecstaticdance #communion
Although it’s not easy for my ego to watch my body soften, I’m finding truth in the yogic adage that the body and mind reflect each other.
As my body has softened, so have my responses and judgments. I’m more patient and compassionate than I’ve ever been.
Is this internal shift simply a byproduct of age?
I don’t think so.
I’ve known some grouchy old people! 🤣
All I know is, my body has humbled me lately.
But they say humility is a virtue, so… 💗
#yoga #yogi #deepthoughts #body
Although it’s not easy for my ego to watch my body soften, I’m finding truth in the yogic adage that the body and mind reflect each other.
As my body has softened, so have my responses and judgments. I’m more patient and compassionate than I’ve ever been.
Is this internal shift simply a byproduct of age?
I don’t think so.
I’ve known some grouchy old people! 🤣
All I know is, my body has humbled me lately.
But they say humility is a virtue, so… 💗
#realtalk #yoga #yogi #deepthoughts #body
Are you a martyr?
A martyr is a program of behavior that sacrifices its well-being for another or a group of people. I'm a recovering marryr.
When our kids were little, my inner martyr showed up via being ultra critical about how others would offer their help.
If someone wasn't willing to do it "my way," I would rather do it myself - all the while, complaining about how exhausted I was and how I had to do everything myself. Foolish.
The moment I learned the lesson of the martyr (that they always die), I realized that I could put "my way" aside and practice being grateful for any and all assistance that lightened my load.
I can't serve my family if I'm dead - physically or metaphorically.
#foodforthought #deepthoughts #martyr #momtribe #momtruth #momtips #archetype
Yall! I'm so excited! The draft copy of the workbook/journal that I created as a tool for my Audile listeners just arrived. I'm going to proof it tonight on the band bus (as a chaperone) to the HS football game.
#kdp #kdpauthor #indieauthor #indieauthorsofig #workbook #journal #selfhelp #selfinquiry #research #references #bookclub
Never hesitate to speak your intentions out loud! Your words are magic! Let me share w you how I was reminded of this. My mind was BLOWN!
#words #wordsaremagic #wordsarepowerful #intentions #intention #mothernature #magic #spell
Pay attention to the stories you tell yourself and to the stories you tell others. Your words are magic and shape your reality. Make sure you're not cursing yourself with your own self-doubt and inner struggles. Not every thought that passes through your mind needs to be spoken. I triple dog dare you to only speak the stories you want to manifest into existence. Have a great day, friends.
#morningroutine #morningmotivation #dogwalk #walkingthedog #deepthoughts #thelawofattraction #wordsarepowerful #checkyourself #evolution #abundance #abundancemindset #letsvibe #momtok #momtoks