Upstate NY and New England! We're just about a month out from The Widdler's Zero G Tour. Tickets are honestly moving ridiculously fast, get em' while you can. or link in bio
Subfiltronik Brooklyn sold out!
Yo CT Fam, don't miss Chibs tonight with stacked support and locals ! Grab tix from link in bio!
#azpresents #connecticutlive #heavydubstep #dubstepct #ctdubstep #dubstepnewengland #newenglanddubstep #ctbassmusic
#riddim #riddimcommunity #riddimdubstep #riddimdubstepcommunity #riddimdubstepsociety #riddimgang #riddimfam #riddimordie #dubstep #dubstepfam #bassheads #ct #bpm #deepdub #bass #bassmusic #headbangers
YO CT!!! Don't miss Bassgiving tnght at Beeracks with DMVU and Toadface. Prices increase at door so get yours now at
Love Wakaan, love bass? Then you need to head over to @officialsullymusic and check out the recent release ‘Digital Underground’. Also dont forget to mark your calendars for our two upcoming shows with Sully DEC 7 Upstate NY and DEC 8 Manchester NH. Grab your tickets at
#wakaan #nyedm #nybassmusic #dubstepny #nydubstep #albanyedm #edmalbany #dubstepalbany #newyorkedm #edmnewyork #sugarconcerts
#edmct #newenglandedm #ctedm #nhedm #connecticutlive #azpresents #bassmusic #newenglandbassmusic #dubstep #newenglanddubstep #ctdubstep #dubstepct #bassmusicct #ctbassmusic #nhdubstep #dubstepmass #nhbassmusic #jewelmusicvenue
@connecticutlive @sugaralbany
Yo CT, our anual Bassgiving event is quickly approaching ft. the DMVU and Toadface's IDTGA tour! High sell out potential and ticket prices increase very soon. Don't sleep on this one, get your tickets today.
#ctevents #ctbeer #ctbrewery #ctbreweries #ctbrewersguild #ctcraftbeer #localmusic #edm #connecticut #easthavenct #newhaven #newhavenct #connecticutgram #ctbands #edmct #newenglandedm #ctedm #beeracks #thebeeracks #connecticutlive #azpresents #bassmusic #newenglandbassmusic #dubstep #newenglanddubstep #ctdubstep #dubstepct #bassmusicct #ctbassmusic
@connecticutlive The Beeracks @dmvuofficial @toadfacemusic
TONIGHT New Hampshire! Hallowubs costume party with Smith. at JEWEL. See ya'll there! tix / link in bio
#nhevents #localmusic #edm #newhampshire #manchesternh #nhgram #nhbands #edmnh #newenglandedm #nhedm #jewelmusicvenue #connecticutlive #azpresents #bassmusic #newenglandbassmusic #dubstep #newenglanddubstep #nhdubstep #dubstepnh #bassmusicnh #nhbassmusic
Hallowubs Costume Party with Smith. and support by Camnah is this Fri . Get your tix today before they increase at the door.
@connecticutlive The Beeracks @camnah_dub @thatboi_smith
#ctmusic #ctevents #ctbeer #ctbrewery #ctbreweries #ctbrewersguild #ctcraftbeer #localmusic #edm #connecticut #easthavenct #newhaven #newhavenct #newhavencounty #connecticutgram #ctbands