For anyone who needs to hear this! Spend Today Doing what you need to make it to Tomorrow! If you feel like life is too heavy then give yourself permission to offload for a bit! Not by pushing your boundaries and trying to fix everything but by not fixing it and just being! By sweating all the stuff that does not matter you will find each a pebble that is forming a mountain and you holding tight not to collapse under the rubble as it feels ready to crumble! Instead finding a comfort in all the simple things can instead lead to you being on top of that mountain as it holds you! It may be a nice shower? Staying in bed for the day? Eating a good meal? Playing some music? Just all the things we have been conditioned to think of as doing nothing! It’s not nothing it’s one of the most important acts of self care you can do! It may be emotional pain, money issues, stresses of life, illness or other, but when you are energetically drained (under the mountain) problems seem much bigger than the truth of each standing alone! So today try not to fix all your problems but to just get to tomorrow! Tomorrow is proof you do survive the worst days! Tomorrow is proof You matter and have a purpose in life! Tomorrow is proof if you just breathe through the moments you feel you’re suffocating that you will survive! Tomorrow is proof that the simple things matter the most and so do you! So Today don’t be hard on yourself but instead JUST DO WHAT YOU NEED TO GET TO TOMORROW!!!!! ❤️Love & Light Lulu❤️