Happy new year, may we sparkle and shine brighter than ever before ✨⚡
Thank you to every single one of you who has supported me and my business this past year. It's been a difficult one to say the least, and I feel honored and grateful to have such amazing friends, supporters, and community to get through each day. You really make all the difference!!
This snapshot is of my setup from our last market of 2021 with .
A special shout out to , , and , you all helped make this market happen and run smoothly (and fun!!), despite the chaotic world around us.
Please continue to support your local artists whenever you can. My goal in 2022 is to invest more time and funds/power into our community of makers and artists- we are much stronger together ⚡✨
All current SparklePunk ready made masks are on sale! Check story highlights for more info availability. New things on the horizons- including new masks, crowns, workshops, and more. Your purchase from SparklePunk not only supports me, my dreams and my work, but also invests in the collective power of local artists and makers. Support your grrrlgang & Dream wildly, bbys. SparklePunk loves you!