Velika mi je čast napraviti remix pjesme "Khan - MMM" kao moj comeback u muziku nakon 2 godine pauze. Pjesmu možete poslušati na linku na profilu.
Veliko hvala što si mi dopustio da odradim remix. Hvala svakome tko me podrzava ili ce podrzati. Drago mi je vratit se produkciji nakon duge pauze.
It is a great honor for me to make a remix of the song "Khan - MMM" as my comeback in music after a 2-year break. You can listen to the song on the link in the profile.
Big thanks to khanrokavela for letting me do the remix. Thanks to everyone who supports me or will support me. I am glad to return to production after a long break.
Khan - MMM (Delow Remix)Follow Delow:https://soundcloud.com/delowdjhttps://www.instagram.com/delowdjhttps://www.facebook.com/delowofficialFollowKhan - https:...