Akane performed at The Sound of Japan - Takedabushi
#japanday #auckland #japanesemusic #japaneseculture #和バンド #tsugarusyamisen #詩吟 #shigin #津軽三味線 #民謡 #folksong #taiko #taikodrumming #和太鼓
What an honour!!
Akane had an amazing opportunity to perform at The Sound of Japan in Auckland as a supporting act for @yoshimitsujimoto from Japan. Our very first time to perform with professional musicians and we were so impressed by their incredible level of talent, creativity and performance!
They invited us to their encore stage and we performed together!! We didn’t expect it at all so my singing was wobbly but it was a lifetime experience for us!
Thank you so much for having us!!
Performance at Retirement Village
We really enjoyed performing at the Tanabata festival. Thank you so much ワイタケレ日本語補習校 - WJSS After School Programme - for inviting us to perform Japanese traditional music🇯🇵
Thank you for having us tonight - book launch “Outsider” by Jade du Preez - Writer
Happy Chinese New Year! Akane performed at Greenhithe Lunar New Year Festival🐉
#japanday #auckland #japanesemusic #entertainment #japaneseculture #和バンド #tsugarusyamisen #詩吟 #shigin #津軽三味線 #民謡 #folksong #taiko #taikodrumming #和太鼓
We performed for a small group of amazing people who are specialized in literature in Auckland last night.
What an honor to perform in front of such a passionate, engaging and intelligent people!
#akane #performance #japanese #traditional #music #minyo #shigin #auckland #newzealand #tokyoondo #kyoto #higashiyama #tokutomisohou #soranbushi
Thank you very much, JNTO, for having us last night for their travel trade roadshow.
Akane performed Minyo with Shamisen, Taiko & Fue at Sheraton Four Points Auckland.
Organizer’s feedback;
“We really appreciated your performance – your music got the evening off to a great start.”
Thank you!🙏🙏🙏
Highlights from the Japan Day 2022 performance