Evening ladies and Gents, It comes with great sadness that I am having to write this and something I have known is happening for a while now but haven't been able to announce anything but this weekend has sadly been wee dreamee teepee's last ever operating weekend.
Time has come where I need to pack up shop, as much as this upsets me and I have absolutely loved creating so many special and successful set up for you all but as pretty much most of you will know I gave birth to my little miracle Baby boy this year who I absolutely adore, since he has come along I have found it hard to fit in the time and childcare to be able to accommodate doing sleepovers, weddings etc and quite frankly have even found upkeep of social media extremely hard and been super MIA and not able to post set ups I have done etc, baring in mind this is also before I have even returned to my full time work which I will be due to return to very soon so I want to soak up ever extra litlle minute I have with my boy cos if the last 9 months has taught me anything it's that time with a baby goes by so fast, they are only little once 💙 It will scare you how much time comes into your wee sleepover set up etc because of getting equipment together, travel time etc.
So I want to thank each and every customer I have had over the years, it has been a pleasure to help create so many magically experiences for you all. I have met so many nice folk over this time and had so many regular returning customers who I am even more grateful for ❤️
On that note I would love to bid you all farewell and hope everyone has the most amazing Christmas ❤️🎄
P.S business will getting up for sale, so if you know anybody looking for a great starting kit or a previous sleepover business looking to expand then please send them my way 🫶