MISTLETOE PACKAGE (IG @flowerstreet.co)
Hello December!
Yay, it's almost Christmas🎄
Share your joy and spread your happiness with our special hampers...
Ada cookies enakk
Ada couple mugs
Ada tart reindeer yg lucu
Langsung aja kepoin IG @flowerstreet.co
Book yours now! Super worth it!!
087-8513-26-662 (Whatsapp only)
MISTLETOE PACKAGE (IG : @flowerstreet.co)
Hello December!
Yay, it's almost Christmas..
Share you joy and spread your happiness with our special hampers 🎄
Our hampers start 125K only!!!
Dapat hardbox, cookies enakkk, mug set couple dan ada tart rusa yang lucuu
Cusss, kepoin aja @flowerstreet.co
Book yours now! Superrr worth it!
Contact us 087-8513-26-662
Santa Package
Christmas Hampers start 125k only!
Share your joy with our special hampers, because it's almost Christmas!
Book yours now..
Contact us 087.8513.26.662 (WA)
IG @flowerstreet.co