Would you believe me if I told you this bouquet was mostly artificial?
Well it is! All the tulips are artificial and the greenery is fresh.
If I’m honest, I always prefer fresh over artificial but artificial still wins out sometimes. This bride loves white tulips and no matter how hard I tried to source fresh tulips, they just weren’t available at the time of her wedding, so we went with artificial and now she gets to keep her bouquet forever!
So to add to the list of benefits of artificial florals from the last post:
4. If your favourite flower isn’t in season or isn’t available, you can still incorporate them with artificial flowers.
5. What you see is what you get. Guaranteed. When it comes to fresh florals, I spend a great deal of time and effort ensuring that I’ve found the best match possible, but I can never fully control that (which is challenging, but also what makes flowers so unique and beautiful!)