CLOSING OUT THE NIGHT for my first ever full DnB set! 🙏🏽
Going to have a bit of everything in this one (duh!) 😱🥵🙌🏽
On at 1:AM - as always, have zero expectations! 😅
Cash only entry fee $15
WEAR EARPLUGS!!!!!!!! 👂🏽🔊
My ADHD Brain has too many ideas! 🧠🌀👹
Help me choose what vibe I should start my set with as it really dictates my whole set! Comment 1, 2, or 3! 🥇🥈🥉
#dj #dubstep #weird #girldj #femaledj #festival #midnightforever #gatineau #ottawadj
Rhea Ripley is now a DJ?!?!
⚠️Wanna hear my set from Saturday's 'Til Death Do Us Party?! ⚠️
Halloween has always and will always be my FAVOURITE time of the year because all the freaks and weirdo's come out to play! I dressed up EVERY year at school and in college even when no one else would and it always reminded me of who I am and why I am *Weɘurd*
🎃You can be WHOEVER + WHATEVER you want
🎃There is so much creativity, colour and self-expression and I LOVE to see it
🎃 The atmosphere is probably the most FREEING it can be all year because everyone wants to party and are in such good....spirits😉👻
If I were to only play ONE set a would be for Halloween - hands down! 🙌
Posting tonight at 9pm EST ➡️
Hiyaa! 👾👽
Want to listen to my set from FMG Collective Intersection April 1?
I mashed some IG Story videos together from the night (hence the quality 😅) but it's all in good fun!
Fact: I've NEVER DJ'd with my glasses on before and now I know why I don't! 🤓 #FoggyAF #IJustOrderedNewContacts
What fancy name should I call the mix? ⬇️