Hats off to Marius Smitas and Mindaugas Baciliunas for having me over at ZIP FM's Nakties Spektras radio show last Friday. It was a very informative, deep and introspective interview session. On the other hand, the choice has been made to air the following live jams and originals exclusively through this broadcast:
1) Cheh, Dante(ITA) - Beirut (Out on Pild records)
2) Anton Vostok, Cheh - Šlapias (Unreleased)
3) Anton Vostok, Cheh - Lapai (Unreleased)
4) Cheh, Orfeo - Morph (Unreleased)
and my mix from Play4n4's Sunday sessions on #kryptiesvektorius.
🔊Listen : http://bit.ly/2OMvQ1r
🔊Interview + originals + mix (last 2 hours): http://bit.ly/2Q4JSf6
🎥Watch how the set builds up: http://bit.ly/2Dvcc8T
A much deeper interpretation by Xuacu Aka Joaco Cabrin
Cheh, Dante (ITA) - Beirut (Xuacu remix)
Get it here: https://bit.ly/2wFIdnY
Out now!!
Cheh & Dante(ITA) - Beirut
Grab it: goo.gl/MwKEos
NSTR001 - VA Modern Nostalgy
A preview of our first release on Nastroy:
B2 Saché & Saché - Takes Two
Get your copy: http://bit.ly/buynstr001
Looking forward to my debut tonight at Minimal Mondays: Cheh // Audrius Kaštonas
Live from #opiumclub, Vilnius
Thank you, #vilnius!
It was a pleasure closing the night and grooving together ♥️
Anna Hanna b2b Cheh at Jagermeister invites: Sebastian Mullaert
That was the highlight of the year!
Thank you Sebastian Mullaert, one of my very first inspirations.
And to my family & friends at Lizdas, this couldn't have been done without you. ❤
[Video by: Roger Gaudencio]
Live from Déclique Locomotive
Replay: A brief snip from Déclique Locomotive pres. Seb Zito, Silat Beksi, Ted Amber+More
About last Saturday at Nachthaus b2b with Nava!!!
Live @ Barcelona Summer Jam
Big big big thanks to the people of this great city; Riga, the Latvian queen of techno Ksenia Kamikaza and Platz für Tanz for a great party! <3
#techno #chronicles #thecheh
Mario Bazouri & Michka - Tormenta (Cheh Interpretation)
Setting: Vilnius/Kaunas Highway in slow motion.
Music: Mario Bazouri & Michka - Tormenta (Cheh Interpretation)
Download: http://tinyurl.com/tormentacheh
Label: VL Records
Catalog: VL 148