Charlie is a 70-year-old disabled Vietnam War veteran living in Lusby who, after 25 years of calling his house home, is facing eviction due to foreclosure. Charlie, along with his wife of 47 years, their special needs adult daughter, and their dog, are struggling to find a new place to live. Despite extensive efforts to seek assistance, including reaching out to local veterans’ organizations and social services, Charlie’s family has found no help in securing a roof over their heads.
The family’s hardships began with a series of medical crises. Charlie contracted a severe case of COVID-19, which left him with lasting effects, particularly impacting his memory and cognitive abilities. His wife, too, suffered a brain aneurysm that required surgery, forcing her to stop working. Between caring for each other, their daughter, and keeping up with bills, they fell behind on their mortgage payments, which led to foreclosure.
Now, with nowhere to turn and only a few days left before their eviction, Charlie’s family is desperate and hoping for a Christmas miracle. They are looking for a single-family home with at least 2-3 bedrooms that will allow them to stay together as a family and bring their dog along. Charlie, despite his challenges, remains a proud man who is willing to pay rent and even open to discussing bartering his skills as a mechanic for help.
In their search for a home, they are hoping to find someone with a house that is sitting empty—someone who might be willing to offer them a place to stay at an affordable rate, out of the goodness of their heart. Charlie has a long history of service to his community, often volunteering his mechanical skills to help elderly neighbors, while his wife contributed her time at a local church and thrift shop.
The family’s hope is to stay together during this difficult time and avoid being separated. While relocation is an option, it would be a tremendous challenge for Charlie, given his age and health. It would truly be a Christmas miracle if they could find a home to stay in, allowing them to keep their family together and give them a chance to get back on their feet.
Please reach out to me if you know of any opportunities to help this family out!
(443) 771 - 4281