Getting to & from the grocery store without a car is the biggest hassle I've faced. I wish I could start a charity not to give away food, but to get people to where it is being given away & where they can use their food stamps.
Please remember your friends without cars when you make trips to the store & ask them if they'd like to come along or need anything.
Also, my cheapest food tip that does fit here is making a large batch of something you can eat repeatedly once a week. This is how I started cooking- I'd make chili or another kind of soup or stew for myself. These can be made very affordably or with better quality ingredients when/if you have a little more to spend. Don't forget to freeze half if you only feed yourself. I make them extra healthy with more veggies- frozen are good for this purpose, require no prep, are frozen during the peak season, & can be cheaper than fresh. This is especially true if you forget about fresh veggies & throw them away.
Nothing costs more than wasted food in terms of the resources used to grow it & make it into an edible product, the energy to package it & get it to the store, & the people who go hungry when we have food to feed everyone being tossed in the garbage daily.
Not everyone has time to prep meals or money to buy Instant Pots.