Terry, Tony and Geoff would like to extend a massive Thank You to everybody who came along yesterday to ensure that June‘s final journey was a riot of flowers and colour, lots of wonderful memories and of course some tears but most of all smiles And laughter.
June’s wish of a Horse Drawn Cortege was fulfilled and mourners were on hand to follow on to the Church after waiting outside of June‘s beloved Swan Hotel. Ah, if only those walls could talk!
Huge thanks also go out to the wonderful and courageous Pall Bearers, Terry Webb, Joey Supercharged, Tony Webb, Rhianne Webb, Gemma Webb and Leila Webb. You all did a fantastic job!
Granddaughters Dee Webb and Jane Webb spoke through poems of the great love they had for June, and the memories they will carry forward in their lives.
A final send off was held at the Conservative club where a lifetime of photos were on display.
Until we meet again June, Mother, Grandmother, Great Grandmother, Great Great Grandmother and Friend.
You are very much loved and will remain in our hearts forever.