Remember this and be encouraged: marriage is less about perfection and more about perspective and perseverance. You're both learning, you're both going to make mistakes, and you're both works in progress. God hasn't given up on either of you yet, so neither should you.
Perspective: The right perspective is that God is good and he's at work in your marriage during EVERY season you go through. Good, bad, and yes, the ugly.
Perseverance: Having perseverance means that you stick together without abandoning the process while God continues his work.
Love Christ first, then love each other with the grace, selflessness, and generosity that Jesus has shown you. Here are a few tangible ways forward. . . just in case some are needed.
1: Learn to show your spouse affection in ways they'll feel it most. A word aptly timed can diffuse all manner of anxiety, frustration, and communication 'funk'. Keep in mind that a "word" for that time may be anything that helps your spouse feel loved.
2: Give TONS OF grace when your spouse frustrates you—maybe something deeper is bothering them. Remember, the more we experience the grace of God in Christ, the harder it becomes to not give grace when it's our turn to do so. In many ways, a lack of showing grace to your spouse is an indication that you've not understood the grace you received in Christ.
3: This is the perseverance piece. Resolve to never give up! Decide now that you will always talk (even when it's hard) and always forgive (even when it takes time). Hope this helps somebody!
Stay fierce,
Ryan & Selena