❤️ I can’t close this chapter without acknowledging and thanking these people. Scroll thru to see some amazing humans.
1. My dear friend M-A who spent countless hours editing my website and finding 100000 mistakes, many late nights helping me set up the shop, and helping my window display visions come to life. Thank you for sharing your love of paper and parties with me. I am endlessly grateful. ❤️ you
2. Sam. My longest and last-standing staff member, who towards the end became more like my trusted business confidante and advisor. If you came into the shop, you were likely greeted by her friendly smile and top notch customer service. To know her is to know how amazing she is. Her star is rising. ✨
3. My husband who encouraged me to take this business leap and supported me thru and thru, every step of the way and who let me collect shameful amounts of party supplies and throw the kids crazy themed parties. My brother who helped me to build out my dream shop and built the fluted counter of my dreams. ❤️ you
4. Kristin. Fellow partyshop owner who reached out to me when I started and welcomed me to this space and who shared the value of community over competition. Over the last 6 years we’ve shared hopes, dreams, frustrations and everything in between. We will be lifelong friends. ❤️ you
5. My babies. My raison d’être. My everyday inspiration. ❤️ you
6. Not pictured. My parents, family and friends who lift me up everyday. Thank you for helping this crazy idea of mine fly. ❤️ you