Here is a little highlight video of my friend @top_raw_man and his Lexus LS400 @flexus_ls400.
When I shot this, we had just finished wrapping up a senior shoot in Downtown Norfolk. I saw the great lighting as the sun was setting and thought why the heck not. Glad I did because these clips turned out awesome. I can't wait until this whole quarantine thing is over so I can get to shooting more like this. If you or a friend would like a video like this, shoot me a DM and let's collaborate.
#lexus #ls400 #lexusls400 #ls400vip #1uzfe #ucf20 #toyota #celsior #toyotacelsior #stanced #stancedcars #stancedaily #stancednation #stancedimports #slammed #scrape #scrapelife #static #dailydriven #lowcarproblems #bippu #bippulife #bippustyle #importculture #jdm #vip #viplexus #fortuneauto #toprawman #deathtospeedbumps
#Repost @bobbybevents
Gotta support local business. Hit up @bobbybevents for all your DJ needs.
Coming to an event near you! Honk if you pass me. 🚨
Also huge shout out to @neeksphoto for the picture and @agwraps for making the van my own! 🔥
#wedding #weddingdj #djbobbybweddings #hrva #hrvawedding #hrvaweddings #hrvaweddingpros #bobbybevents #entertainment #dj #mc #entertainer #fun #dancing #party #workvehicle #vehicle #workvan #work #vanwrap #vehiclewrap
Timelapse of photobooth at wedding reception
Helped out my buddy Anthony Webb Photography and manned the photo booth during the wedding of Robert and Melodie. Everyone had an awesome time and kept me busy!