7 Dimensions / Chakras / Bodies of a Human Being
1. Etheric Dimension, Pattern of Physical Body. Innermost Body closest to Physical Dimension. Affected by modalities like Reiki, Acupressure, Acupuncture, or Chi Kung.
2. Emotional Dimension, Sensations, Emotions, or Feelings which change into all of the colors of the natural rainbow with mood.
3. Mental Dimension, Mind’s Eye or Thoughts. Includes remembrance, imagination, and acquisition of data.
4. Astral Dimension, Gateway, Conduit, or Connection of the Physical Dimensions with the Spiritual Dimensions. OBE's, and Astral Projection are possible when moving into this gate.
5. Etheric Model Dimension, Exists in other Universes of the Multiverse, where you also exist in your Body Pattern form or shape. An extension of the Etheric Dimension.
6. Celestial Dimension, Heaven, Delight, Absolute Adoration or Love. Relationship to Heaven through the Heavenly attribute of Compassion. Establishment of Affection and a Loving Attachment with Universal Consciousness.
7. Causal Dimension, Psyche, Heart, or Soul which is the facet that reawakens in each new lifetime. Furthest away from the Physical Dimension. The personality or the Essence, and the understanding that each person is one with Heaven and Universal Consciousness. You are able to remember and unite with your past incarnations through the Causal Dimension.