Hey all! Folks have been asking for the current best ways to help -- heres an update w several options (posted in my comment section due to fb limits on video & photo posts) as we move forward from the f*res, Thank You ❤️❤️❤️
This Saturday in San Luis Obispo come have some vintagey poolside fun while raising money for Lahaina f*re victims and children with disabilities in Hawaii and CA! The Elks Lodge @sloelks is throwing a fundraiser Luau and you are invited! There will be BBQ, tiki drinks, an auction & raffle etc with music by surf legends @theswingincoconuts and vinyl by yours truly. Dress to impress! 21+ only, sorry kiddies.
Drop a ❤️ in the comment section below and I will DM you a link to tickets. Mahalo!
#sanluisobispo #lahainastrong #community #vintagelifestyle #vinyldj
Stoked to be DJing some 80s records in the main bar High Roller Tiki Lounge on Saturday! Theres a burlesque show in the adjacent room! Stop by for a drink!!
#solvangca #tikidrinks #allvinyl
Come on over to Los Alamos on Saturday, shop for vintage and handmade goods and hear some kickass music! There will be excellent local food and drink vendors as well! COME HANG 💜💙💚💛🧡❤️
Let's play 'Get To Know Your Vinyl DJ!'
1. Record I most recently played: Maurice Williams and the Zodiacs. The song 'The Winds' is so beautiful and spooky, a new fave. It was a bday gift and I love it !
2. Artist I first fell in love with: Bowie of course! This album changed how I thought about the world when I was only five. Hands down the most impactful record of my life
3. Band I recently found that I love: Drugdealer. I spin Raw Honey at gigs as often as I can, and it just gets better w every listen.
4. Artist I think is underrated: Emitt Rhodes. Dear lord dont get me started on this one! Some of the most passionate songs on the planet, and he wrote, performed, produced and recorded everything on this record at home himself. SWOON
5. Band that gets me hyped: Duran Duran's s/t. One of the first albums I ever bought as a kid, and it still SLAPS
6. Band I listen to when angry: Minor Threat. Need I say more?
7. Band I love to see live: Shannon & the Clams. Hard to pick a fave album of theirs, but Onion is my most often played. They are touring CA this spring and hitting the central coast so get yer tix and join me at the show!
8. Band Id like to see live: Men I Trust. A girl can dream, cant she? This album massages my brain and soothes the nervous system
9. Band I could listen to forever: The Kinks!!!! Something Else is my deserted island album, and the dreamy nostalgic content that Ray crys about on this record make me feel seen.
#gettoknowme #vinyldj #vinylcollection #vinylcommunity #vinylcollector #vinyljunkie #vinylrecords #recordcollection #music #records #vinyladdict #vintagelifestyle #favoritenewband #vintagevinyl #somethingoldsomethingnew
I am OVER THE MOON to be spinning records poolside at the Hyatt Palm Springs for Modernism Week ! Three different flavors for three different sets! Thurs will be an omage to Studio 54, Friday-- a classic 60's Mod dance party, and Saturday I will be bringing some extra rare 50's swank n' sleaze to the tables!! ALL VINYL, AS ALWAYS. Hope to see you there my lovelies!! 💜💙💚💛🧡❤
#modernismweek #strictlyvinyl #cocktailculture #vintageliving #vinyldj #vintagefashion #midcenturymodern
This Fri & Sat I will be servin up Disco n Soul & Rock n Roll, respectively, ALL ON VINYL at Petty Cash Taqueria & Bar in the lovely #fairfaxdistrict of beautiful #losangeles Come imbibe the BEST drinks in town and munch some late night tacos. THIS SH*T IS BOMB!! Music starts at 7:30pm
#michelinstarchef #latenightsnack #strictlyvinyl #vinyldj #losangelesfood #eaterla
So whats your fave #bowiecharacter ? What are you going to wear to the BowieMas party this Saturday? Whether you dress to impress or not, get your sweet ass down to Flower City Ballroom this Saturday the 7th to celebrate Him on the eve of the day he came to earth. Its #allages and theres #nocovercharge ! link in my bio for full details. See you there! 💜💙💚💛🧡❤
#themanwhofelltoearth #bowiemas #danceparty #bowieislove