Vip Tickets Club operates in the sphere of obtaining the best tickets to the most famous and markable events in the prestigious venues for the VIP customers. By offering top notch customer service, best seating and tickets availability VIP TICKETS CLUB satisfies the needs of the most demanding customers. We work in tight cooperation with the venues, producers, and other partners in whole Europe. T
hanks to the constant research and knowledge of the Seasons, Venues, TOP Events and understanding of Customers Wishes, Vip Tickets Club offers the best solutions for the cluster of VIP customers who do not accept compromises. Make your trip or weekend really special and enrich your life with unique experiences on different occasions. Make your day fabulous by visiting opera, ballet, classical music concerts and popular musicals in the most beautiful cities in Europe. We offer our customers:
- unforgettable experience of the best classical events in Europe;
- use our Site to get fast online tickets to the top list performances in opera, ballet, classical music, jazz concerts, musicals and other topical events in the best halls of Europe;
- the best seating in the greatest venues of old European cities;
- visiting the leading concert, ballet and opera houses as the VIP customer;
- the best view and comfortable feeling of touching a great immortal piece of art;
- get access to the most demanded and markable world performances with the outstanding artists on stage;
- try the unique taste of the classical heritage of history, art and music;
- additional value to your travel plans by getting something more than “simple” sightseeing;
out-of-box style weekends, holidays and personal occasions.