🏕️ Summer Camp Visits are always so much fun!🏕️
Have you booked your dates yet? Spaces are very limited, so if you plan to invite the animals book soon.
Check it out! Our animals and team made the news!
“It’s important for people to learn about farm animals and rural life”
Snowball The Chinchilla
Snowball is one of our favourite small animals on the farm. These amazing little creatures can live 20 plus years! The oldest chinchilla on record was “Radar” who lived to be nearly 30!?!
Our newest baby goat was out exploring our grass field this afternoon! 💕 what a cute little guy...
We are hard at work here today, socializing our baby bunnies 🐰 😊
Seriously! So cute!!
I had to share this adorable video! Our barn cat and our rooster are the best of friends! Too cute!
Erin Fall Fair, thank you for having us! It was a wonderful 4 days with excellent fall weather!
Suzie the silkie chicken enjoying her breakfast before camp today in London! Thanks for having us again!
I have been trying to get this video to show everyone! Our little barn kitten and this bunny have become the best of friends! They are always playing together. Too cute not to share 😊
Our baby call ducks sure love to visit with people! New to our pocket pet package, the kids get to enjoy feeding our baby ducks! Thanks for having us out in London tonight!
As promised! The baby goats and sheep got to meet each other today. Was to windy of a day to put them outside in the baby pen, probably would have blew away! Lol so they ran around the hallway instead. How cute is this group!
Did you hear? Over March break we are running a very special baby barnyard animals promotion! Check back or email for more info!