Happy Birthday Helena 💕💕💕#peppapigcake #childrenbirthdaycake #smashcakes #pinattacakes #peppapig #alburywodonga
🎅🏻 COMPETITION TIME 🤶🏼 We’re bringing the Christmas cheer to ONE lucky follower! For your chance to win this limited edition Christmas smash cake, tell is in the comments who you’d like to share the smash with and don’t forget to ‘like’ us for more smash action 🍬
Competition closes on Friday.
T&Cs below.
#smashcake #chocolate #cake #pinata #pinatacake #albury #wodonga #birthday #birthdaycake #celebration #dessert #smashcakesaw #lolly #kidsparties #smarties #smartiescake #instagramcontest #instagramgiveaway #contest #giveaway #instagood #christmas #xmas #pudding #festive #competition #prize
The Competition winner will be selected at random and notified on or before 23rd December 2018.
The winner is required to collect the prize from
a central Albury location.
Competition closes at 4:00pm AEST 21st December 2018!
Good luck!
Thanks again for a fantastic day @bythebanks_ ! We love this twist on the traditional smash 😂
Repost from @bythebanks_ ‘Thank you to everyone who stuck with us right to the end, for The Montgomery Brothers for keeping the party going perfectly, for Smash Cakes Albury Wodonga for donating this thank you cake, and Matt for being the chosen one. Here are the final moments of By The Banks 2018. What a party it was’
#btb2018 #bythebanksmusicfestival #smashcakes #smashcakesalburywodonga #kickonkings #fakemoves #thechosenone #latinjazzblues #finalmoments #"smash*tsmash*tsmash*t"