The Way To Pick Raspberries!
#poetry #poems #rhymes #rhymingpoetry #rhyming #kindnesspoem #poemsthatrhyme #healingpoetry #healingpoems #poemsthathelp #poetrythatworks #rhymes #helpfulpoetry #helpfulrhymes #rhymeswork #poetryfoundation #racailhealingPa #HowWeHeal #gettingAlong
#aTwistofHope #diversity
Thank you @sinkingspringpubliclibrary for hosting Poetry That Works to work with the Home School Kids who wrote these lines!!!
#poetry #poems #rhymes #rhymingpoetry #rhyming #kindnesspoem #poemsthatrhyme #healingpoetry #healingpoems #poemsthathelp #poetrythatworks #rhymes #helpfulpoetry #helpfulrhymes #rhymeswork #poetryfoundation #racailhealingPa #HowWeHeal #gettingAlong
#aTwistofHope #diversity
#libraryperformance #librarypoetry
Talking builds bridges…Build a bridge.
#poetry #poems #rhymes #rhymingpoetry #rhyming #kindnesspoem #poemsthatrhyme #healingpoetry #healingpoems #poemsthathelp #poetrythatworks #rhymes #helpfulpoetry #helpfulrhymes #rhymeswork #poetryfoundation #racailhealingPa #HowWeHeal
#poems4peace #non-violence # gettingAlong
#aTwistofHope #diversity
With help from each other, we all can get through . . .
#poetry #poems #rhymes #rhymingpoetry #rhyming #kindnesspoem #poemsthatrhyme #healingpoetry #healingpoems #poemsthathelp #poetrythatworks #rhymes #helpfulpoetry #helpfulrhymes #rhymeswork #poetryfoundation #racailhealingPa #HowWeHeal
#poems4peace #non-violence # gettingAlong
#aTwistofHope #diversity
Always Remember.
#poetry #poems #rhymes #rhymingpoetry #rhyming #kindnesspoem #poemsthatrhyme #healingpoetry #healingpoems #poemsthathelp #poetrythatworks #rhymes #helpfulpoetry #helpfulrhymes #rhymeswork #poetryfoundation #racailhealingPa #HowWeHeal
#poems4peace #non-violence # gettingAlong
#aTwistofHope #diversity
Kindness Connects and Shows Respect! Kindness Rocks!
#poetry #poems #rhymes #rhymingpoetry #rhyming #kindnesspoem #poemsthatrhyme #healingpoetry #healingpoems #poemsthathelp #poetrythatworks #rhymes #helpfulpoetry #helpfulrhymes #rhymeswork #poetryfoundation #racailhealingPa #HowWeHeal
#poems4peace #non-violence # gettingAlong
#aTwistofHope #diversity
Falling Leaves Are a Wonder to behold . . .🙂
#poetry #poems #rhymes #rhymingpoetry #rhyming #kindnesspoem #poemsthatrhyme #healingpoetry #healingpoems #poemsthathelp #poetrythatworks #rhymes #helpfulpoetry #helpfulrhymes #rhymeswork #poetryfoundation #racailhealingPa #HowWeHeal
#poems4peace #non-violence # gettingAlong
#aTwistofHope #diversity
Say Hello, and brighten their day. . .
#poetry #poems #rhymes #rhymingpoetry #rhyming #kindnesspoem #poemsthatrhyme #healingpoetry #healingpoems #poemsthathelp #poetrythatworks #rhymes #helpfulpoetry #helpfulrhymes #rhymeswork #poetryfoundation
#racailhealingPa #HowWeHeal
#poems4peace #non-violence # gettingAlong
#aTwistofHope #diversity
Love takes many forms🙂
#poetry #poems #rhymes #rhymingpoetry #rhyming #kindnesspoem #poemsthatrhyme #healingpoetry #healingpoems #poemsthathelp #poetrythatworks #rhymes #helpfulpoetry #helpfulrhymes #rhymeswork #poetryfoundation
- [ ] #racailqxhealingPa #HowWeHeal
#poems4peace #non-violence # gettingAlong
#aTwistofHope #diversity
Friendship Rocks!
#poetry #poems #rhymes #rhymingpoetry #rhyming #kindnesspoem #poemsthatrhyme #healingpoetry #healingpoems #poemsthathelp #poetrythatworks #rhymes #helpfulpoetry #helpfulrhymes #rhymeswork #poetryfoundation
- [ ] #racailqxhealingPa #HowWeHeal
#poems4peace #non-violence # gettingAlong
#aTwistofHope #diversity
Be in touch with how you feel, and you Heal.
#poetry #poems #rhymes #rhymingpoetry #rhyming #kindnesspoem #poemsthatrhyme #healingpoetry #healingpoems #poemsthathelp #poetrythatworks #rhymes #helpfulpoetry #helpfulrhymes #rhymeswork #poetryfoundation
#racailhealingPa #HowWeHeal
#poems4peace #non-violence # gettingAlong
A silly but smashing poem on theme of What Matters to You, what’s important!
#poetry #poems #rhymes #rhymingpoetry #rhyming #kindnesspoem #poemsthatrhyme #healingpoetry #healingpoems #poemsthathelp #poetrythatworks #rhymes #helpfulpoetry #helpfulrhymes #rhymeswork #poetryfoundation
#racailhealingPa #HowWeHeal
#poems4peace #non-violence # gettingAlong