Doodling Lucy Is turning 5 🎂🎈
5 years. Where did that go?
I feel like first of all, I should address the other 5 in the room - the 5 at the end of my instagram handle, where Doodling Lucy all began. So the reason I am is because Doodling Lucy on it’s own was already taken, so when I realised this I thought well I’ll just add a number on to the end. So I went for my favourite number which is 5. Why 5? Well 25 years ago when I was 5, I thought to myself ‘this is a pretty good age’ and when I turned 6 I missed being 5, and so then it became my favourite number.
So, turning 5 feels pretty special!
If you had told me back in 2016 (which is now 9 years ago um what?!) when I haphazardly began an instagram page that 4 years later it would become my full time job and 5 years after that I would be running it successfully from the other side of the world I would probably have laughed in your face.
But here we are, doing just that.
It’s been a rollercoaster of a journey but one I wouldn’t have been able to be on without your support. Some of you who are reading this will have been here since 2016 and some of you are new faces. But either way I wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you for all of your encouragement. Doodling Lucy is my dream and you made it come true.
As a little gift from me to you take 15% off everything with the code DLBIRTHDAY valid until Friday 10th January 2025
Here’s to 5 wonderful years, let’s see where the next will take us!
Lucy x