My little helper, holding up the piñata for photos #hellokitty #kuromi #hellokittyandfriends #custompinatas #customordera #littlerockcalifornia
Halloween theme Pinata’s done in October! #halloween #halloweenpiñatas #pinatasbymari #pinatascustom
Super hero theme #number3pinata #superheropinata #pinatasbymari #pinatas #piñataspersonalizadas #custompinatas
Some double digits Pinata’s! #doubledigitspinata #doubledigits #pinatas
Big order! Baby shark shirts for the whole family, Pinata, centerpieces from piggy bank! #babyshark #babysharkparty #babysharktheme #babysharkbirthdaytheme #yellowshark #mommyshark #daddyshark #sistershark #brothershark #cousinshark #littleshark
My customer are so aw, and let me get creative with there Pinata’s! We are working on maybe start shipping but trying to figure out some things! #superherotheme #superherogirls #superherogirlsparty #wonderwoman
Haven’t post picture in a while, here one we did in August 2023 Hawaiian theme! #hawaiian #hawaii #todem #hawaiians #beach #tikitikitiki
Custom piñatas with these princess #birthday #pinata #pinkandpurplepinata
Mickey mouse everywhere!!!...
#pinatasbymari #takingorders