Ko siva eminenca elektronske scene ponovno združi moči z aktualno prvo damo techna 💪 Ob podpori odličnih nadobudnih DJ-ev pripravljamo še en udaren večer. Naj se osvoboditev ob čvrstih TECHNO ritmih začne❗️🎶 Predprodaja kart v Kavarni Trust 👈
There are two men. One with short black hair and one with a little beard, but that's not the point. What is the point? That they both have a great passion for music. Add a lot of creativity, a pinch of fantasy and a big bowl enthusiasm. Mix it all together in a large dish, stir really well and you'll get Sweet Entertainment. And if that's not sweet enough for you, throw in world known performers and irreplaceable ambient. Best to serve it hot!
The older the better they say. This goes for wine, whiskey and Oldies Goldies. With this party they started big. The club was full of wild emotions and thrilled crowds. At the end no one wanted to leave even the DJ’s. And if you think this is the end you’re so wrong. October of will be so gold every one will want a piece of it. It was a hot summer of 2007 so to spice things up a bit more they came up with an idea. Summer Music Festival in association with MN2S. It’s hot, it’s wet and it’s about music. What more can you ask for? This all took place on a beach in Slovenia. It was more of a day time event so even if you aren’t so much into parties you could came and chill , sunbathe and listen to great quality music.
It’s all about music. Not just electronic. The main idea is to bring the music to the people, to present all kinds of it and to create intrest. To create an itch you can only scratch by coming to their party. So as you’re walking down the street and you come across a Sweet Entertainment poster take a closer look, don’t be a coward. No one’s to young or to old, All that counts is love for music.