Kantaracho Jhelo - "This is my absolute favorite experience, as it marks the first time I've hosted an event in my native language, Konkani. None of it would have been possible without Elvis's unwavering encouragement. May he be abundantly blessed by God." would have not motivated me. God bless him abundantly.
"Feedback is the only way to make sure that we are on the right track"
Thank you so much @podarjumbokidsbodakdev for such wonderful feedback.
I love creating excitement amongst the audience and it really worked like magic.
#annualfunction #podarjumbokids
"Creativity is what others see and thinking what others never thought "- Albert Einstein
Here is the glimpse of my anchoring for the annual function of @podarjumbokidsbodakdev
#video #loveanchoring #annualfunction #followpassion
HARRY POTTER themed birthday party
Unedited feedback of the client.
Hosted Baby shower yesterday.
It was an amazing experience with a wonderful audience.
A very small glimpse of my work. Anchoring for Agnello and Chelsy's wedding in Baroda.
Do contact me for wedding anchoring, Sangeeta, birthdays, baby showers and corporate events
Anchoring for catholic wedding
A glimpse of my anchoring video
Contact 8690552373