37 but still feel like 22! Weekend off but still managed to surround myself with 🌸🌻🌿🌺
Stop and smell the roses! Weekends away are much needed to stop and refresh. Honestly I have trouble taking time away. I feel guilty. Like time off is a bad thing. But time away for me creates space to reflect where my priorities are, which are often out of alignment and also inspires me personally or professionally. Our time in Asheville was truly inspiring and I’m thankful that I said no to work and yes to a weekend adventure.
Beautiful day for a wedding! Gardenesque arrangements for this tropical oasis🌿
A bouquet we did for a last minute elopement!
Bouquet making can either bring me so much joy or so much frustration. Sometimes the flowers just fall into place and other times I have picked apart a bouquet endless times to get it the way I want it to look. Recently I have invested in online webinars that show other florists and their many techniques that help them with bouquet making. It has been so helpful to gather different techniques but to also hear their own struggles with the process too. I'm not alone! If anyone is interested in bouquet design send me a DM.
Happy hump day! Here are some bright cheerful flowers to hopefully bring a little smile to your day! Thanks for following along:)
We're calling this the Heather bouquet:)
We need more proposals in our life! So thankful to be apart of this very special one:)!
If you are thinking of proposing and you know your special someone LOVES flowers, we are here for you.
Isn't creation amazing! Take time to stop and smell the flowers today or coffee or the ocean, whatever it is that makes you come alive, go and do it!
Every order that we send out is custom from shopping for the flowers, to the vessel and design. We usually don't use the tape method, like this video shows, but if a client doesn't prefer greenery we use the tape to help keep stems in place. Everyday there is a learning lesson, from new varieties of flowers, design and helping the arrangements last! But we love what we do and are grateful for all of you supporting F&F!
Love the team at @lululemon at the @thegardensmall! Here's a little snip from a video they created for their "Practice of Connection" event.
Dreaming up ideas for an upcoming wedding 🌿