The July edition of Submerse Radio is been recorded and sent.
@deanchapplejamesdaniels can return to the studio soon and put out show 30 live!
#newmusic #radioshow #radio #playlist #rewind #artists #labels #submerse #saturdaynight #housemusicradio #house #techhouse #exclusive #worldexclusive #disco #livemix
Good start to the show!! Get tuned into Kennet Radio for the next 90 minutes as we pick things up!! #radio #house
Dance like nobody is watching. @adamdance92 bringing the moves
#dancelikenooneiswatching #newdance #puttingthedanceindance #radioshow #live #housemusic #tech
WE ARE LIVE! Tune in 106.7 or online.
#newmusic #live #radio #house #housemusic #nowplaying #submerse #wearelive