Finally!! The international media attention that rugby has received within the past week! It's about time and it's only going to grow.
One of the biggest sources of attention has come from the NFL of all places. The pressure of concussions and what the league's going to do about it to show it's taking steps towards a higher commitment has seemingly made it suck up its pride and give credit to our love, rugby.
Surely it wasn't easy for them to do, but once they realized it makes them look better in the public eye; and credit to the Seahawks for *correctly* teaching a safer technique of tackling, this is a huge step towards the process of greater acceptance of rugby into the American culture. Of course we can't quite yet expect droves of younger athletes to drop the football and take up rugby, or at least not in the immediate future, but for the moment, it's a huge step.
Thank you to the Women's Eagles who are competing in the Women's Rugby World Cup in France. Did you see? If you're on Twitter and are following Emilie, (wait, you're not?! Get on it!! ( Bydwell) you'd know that a shout out went to The Ellen Show, who it seems just happened to be in France? (hopefully TSC got that correct?) Either way, Ellen loves to find the gem stories and no doubt a clip of two of our female Eagles are showing they have other talents, aside from playing kick ass rugby. *make sure you tweet *
Of course we can't forget Scotland who are hosting the Commonwealth Games. For those who don't live in that neck of the woods (and for those Americans who don't have a clue), the Commonwealth Games is about more than rugby, but still, it does include some of the best rugby in the world right now.
The excitement is only going to grow, as it should. It's our time to gain the recognition we know we deserve. Continue to spread your passion and love for the sport, continue to teach the youth. We've come a long way and we're getting there.