Four years ago, when the world was shut down and Live music 🎶 gatherings were against the law, I saw my friend doing something different that looked like fun; so, I joined her on a lark with no intention of really leaning in to the business. I thought it would just be a fun way to pass some time during the pandemic until I could get back to my music career.
Almost simultaneously, I attended Tony Robbins’ first online event with my son. I thought it was the coolest thing I had ever seen, having all those people from all around the world on a zoom together. And I took his “just go for it“ message to heart. I remember thinking, “all right, Tony! I am going to really throw myself into this and see what happens.”
After all, my income and opportunities had dried up as a musician at that moment. I was starting to get scared and even allowing glimpses of that little demon of depression to come back in. For so many years of my life, I lived with depression, and therapy and personal development truly saved my life. So, it was just natural that personal development would get me on the right track again. 😊
Then, something truly unexpected happened. I fell in love. I love this business that truly is personal development with an income stream attached. It is a place where I can bring my truest self and everything I have learned all along my journey (even music!!). I love being in a community of people dedicated to learning and growing (the E of B.E.S.T. Aging, Expansion).
Since joining, I had the opportunity to speak on a stage similar to Tony Robbins WITH Tony Robbins and other great speakers like Lisa Nichols and Jessie Lee Ward and Ed Mylett. I rose to the top 25 of my previous company before it crumbled. Now I am building in a much bigger, better and exploding company. It’s like going from a college level team to an Olympic level team. I have dropped all the extra weight I had been carrying around and kept it off. I have gotten healthier, the healthiest I’ve been in my life (at the age of 60!) This is the B.E.S.T. moment of my life, and it just keeps getting better. ✨💖✨
If you think you can't do what I've done, think again. I am an introvert who started with no experience. But I never stopped showing up annd learning and growing and never let anyone's opinion stop me. I lay my head on my own pillow every night, not my friends or family.
I' keep adding bigger and bigger dreams to my vision board, and I invite you to do the same. Life doesn't have to be a 9-5 grind or full of sadness and fear. It can be a joyful personal development journey with residual income. I'm so happy and grateful I said yes. Here's to many more failures and successes and dreams fulfilled and lives touched in this amazing profession. 🌟🌟🌟
Oh! And I love that I get to live wherever I want… Pretty much on this planet. Currently I am loving living in the paradise known as the Hamptons. 😊😊😊
📷 Tracy Mathieu Huffman