It has been such an amazing 10 months of deep learning, and I am thrilled to announce that I am now a fully certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner!!!
There are so many directions that this path can go, and I am remaining consciously dedicated to being open to wherever that may lead. At the end of the day, I want to be a part of my communities journey towards deeper connection to what truly nourishes us - through food, the land, and each other. I want to help others sort through the many layers of misinformation we are bombarded with in regards to food so they can reawaken their own intrinsic health sovereignty. And, I want to continue to spread the love of real food as far and wide as I can.
With that said, stay tuned for all of the wonderful things in store.
🥑 Do you have questions about food/diet that I may be able to address here? Comment below!!!
🥑 In an effort to get some more real life experience, and to offer help those in need, I will be offering up some donation based sessions. Stay tuned for those spots soon!
🥑 I am looking for some help with website/logo/branding, so shoot me a message if you have any recommendations!
Yay, It feels good to be excited!!!