Behind the Pivot Line Podcast

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Behind the Pivot Line Podcast 45 WFTDA leagues, across 9 Northeastern states. We will bring you the schedules, the scores, the interviews with the players, officials and fans.


Hello derby peeps!
Frank and I have begun discussion on season 2 of the podcast.....

Last official episode of the season of the Behind the Pivot Line Podcast for 2019! Thank you to all of the leagues and l...

Last official episode of the season of the Behind the Pivot Line Podcast for 2019! Thank you to all of the leagues and listeners who followed and participated with us in our flagship year. We hope to be around next season and make the show even better---but we need YOU!! - CookE

Last official episode of the podcast! Thank you to all of the leagues and listeners who followed and participated with us in our flagship year. We hope to be around next season and make the show even


Congrats to Philly Roller Derby on your win over Texas in Game one of 2019 WFTDA CHAMPS!!

BEST WISHES TO PHILLY AND GOTHAM as they head over the North Wall to battle it out for the Hydra! Get your Scores from l...

BEST WISHES TO PHILLY AND GOTHAM as they head over the North Wall to battle it out for the Hydra! Get your Scores from last weekend and hear all about where you can catch some high level derby this weekend! Feel FREE to have some cheesecake at your watch parties and MAKE THE FACE!! - CookE

Gotham Girls Roller Derby
Philly Roller Derby

Maine Roller Derby
Wilkes Barre/Scranton Roller Derby
Reading Derby Girls
Hartford Area Roller Derby
Harrisburg Area Roller Derby
Long Island Roller Rebels
York City Derby Dames

BEST WISHES TO PHILLY AND GOTHAM as they head over the North Wall to battle it out for the Hydra! Get your Scores from last weekend and hear all about where you can catch some high level derby this we

We're quickly nearing the end. Just a few more things to do before the lights get turned off.  Scores and skedgies. - FB...

We're quickly nearing the end. Just a few more things to do before the lights get turned off. Scores and skedgies. - FB

Tagies stink

No!Vember-Re-member! CHAMPS in a week!! But this week we have 2 scores and a handful of bouts happening this weekend!! YEAAAAA!!! Ohhhhh- and RANKINGS!!! Like us on FB:

One NevEr said THeiR glEEful SmilEs VariEd.  NoT WhOse MArrow Is Needed STRongly, EErily sTaring....breaking COnVENTions...

One NevEr said THeiR glEEful SmilEs VariEd. NoT WhOse MArrow Is Needed STRongly, EErily sTaring....breaking COnVENTions, ReadilY RIsing.....FInding us eVEr more ProMising. (TMJ 26 is up....scores and schedules.... frank)

Providence Roller Derby
Roc City Roller Derby
Penn Jersey Roller Derby
Dirty Jersey Roller Derby
State College Area Roller Derby
Reading Derby Girls
York City Derby Dames
Long Island Roller Rebels
Suburbia Roller Derby
Bux-Mont Roller Derby Dolls
Mason-Dixon Roller Vixens
Maine Roller Derby

Even with an extra day to use, CookE is too busy to write this blurb. So here I go. There's a lot of change going on. Scores for 10/19 - 10/20 and schedules for 10/26-10/27 and we also get into whe

Banking? Or Spanking? What will YOU hear? Is this like that blue/gold dress thing? Let's hope so, that s**t went VIRAL… ...

Banking? Or Spanking? What will YOU hear? Is this like that blue/gold dress thing? Let's hope so, that s**t went VIRAL… and this show could use the exposure!
Score and schedules. Get them while they are hot!

- CookE

Garden State Rollergirls
Wilkes Barre/Scranton Roller Derby
Green Mountain Roller Derby
Albany All Stars Roller Derby
Hill City Rollers
Maine Roller Derby
Bux-Mont Roller Derby Dolls
Mason-Dixon Roller Vixens
Long Island Roller Rebels
Suburbia Roller Derby
Eerie Roller Girls
Ohio Valley Roller Girls
Reading Derby Girls
York City Derby Dames
Pioneer Valley Roller Derby

Banking? Or Spanking? What will YOU hear? Is this like that blue/gold dress thing? Let's hope so, that s**t went VIRAL… and this show could use the exposure! Score and schedules. Get them while they a

Wait.... so you're telling me that if I post the link to this week's Behind the Pivot Line Podcast's Two Minute Jam *her...

Wait.... so you're telling me that if I post the link to this week's Behind the Pivot Line Podcast's Two Minute Jam *here*..... in what would be the actual correct place I had intended to post it ..... the place where you all are expecting to see it..... that I would NOT be acting as someone who gets their own stinking observed Holiday next week? @%^@% # Fine, so be it. No Holiday for the Frank-man.

Philly Roller Derby
New Jersey Roller Derby (NJRD)
Garden State Rollergirls
Dutchland Derby Rollers
Diamond State Roller Derby
Dirty Jersey Roller Derby
CT Roller Derby
Wilkes Barre/Scranton Roller Derby
Green Mountain Roller Derby
Albany All Stars Roller Derby
Hill City Rollers

It is a "observed holiday" weekend. Call it what you wish, if you have the day off, good for you, if not...sorry. but here is something for you to listen to while you fret about that. Scores from las

Scores and schedules..... like 2700 megatons of asteroid-like TNT.... dropping on yo' head.  BOOM! - Astronaut FrankLong...

Scores and schedules..... like 2700 megatons of asteroid-like TNT.... dropping on yo' head. BOOM! - Astronaut Frank

Long Island Roller Rebels
Central Jersey Roller Vixens
Penn Jersey Roller Derby
Twin State Derby
Hellions of Troy Roller Derby
Hill City Rollers
Black Diamond Rollers
Harrisburg Area Roller Derby
New Jersey Roller Derby (NJRD)
New Jersey Roller Derby - NJRD Junior Division
Philly Roller Derby Juniors
Garden State Rollergirls
Dutchland Derby Rollers
Diamond State Roller Derby
Dirty Jersey Roller Derby
Dirty Jersey Roller Derby vs Strong Island Derby Revolution
CT Roller Derby

So apparently the only thing to hit the earth today is our TMJ. Catch all the latest scores and now that we haven’t been destroyed by an asteroid (sorry Frank) you will have plenty of time to catch a

It's that day..... supposed to write something inspirational...... a bit uninspired today.  Can't fake the 'spire.  Scor...

It's that day..... supposed to write something inspirational...... a bit uninspired today. Can't fake the 'spire. Scores from 9/21-9/22, schedule for 9/28-9/29.... now, back to work. Enjoy the rest of this particular day. - Frankie Dirty Buns

Brandywine Roller Derby
Diamond State Roller Derby
Maine Roller Derby
CT Roller Derby
Worcester Roller Derby - WoRD
State College Area Roller Derby
Northern Allegheny Roller Derby
Bay State Brawlers
Southshire Roller Derby
Albany All Stars Roller Derby
Western Massachusetts Roller Derby
Philly Roller Derby
Two Rivers Roller Derby
Providence Roller Derby
Central Jersey Roller Vixens
Wilkes Barre/Scranton Roller Derby
Reading Derby Girls
New Jersey Roller Derby (NJRD)
Long Island Roller Rebels
Penn-Jersey Roller Derby
Twin State Derby
Hellions of Troy Roller Derby
Black Diamond Rollers

BTPL-TMJ #22 Autumn Equi-knocks! That would be a great derby name- feel free to steal it- but credit your source please! Check out this weeks episode to find out all the s #*t that happened last week

It is THURSDAY- so you know what THAT means?!No, not square pizza day in school. No, not "throwback Thursday" (that is s...

It is THURSDAY- so you know what THAT means?!
No, not square pizza day in school.
No, not "throwback Thursday" (that is soooooo 2018).
No, it is not Magnum P.I. and Simon & Simon on CBS prime time (that is soooooo 1982).


Philly Roller Derby
Garden State Rollergirls
Roc City Roller Derby
Dutchland Roller Derby
Black Rose Rollers
Bux-Mont Roller Derby Dolls
Queen City Roller Girls
Brandywine Roller Derby
Maine Roller Derby
CT Roller Derby
State College Area Roller Derby
Bay State Brawlers
Albany All Stars Roller Derby
Two Rivers Roller Derby
Providence Roller Derby
Wilkes Barre/Scranton Roller Derby
Reading Derby Girls
New Jersey Roller Derby (NJRD)


Terms of en-derby-ment: Jam, Pivot, goat, eat-the-baby, box, t-glide. It can feel like learning about roller derby is like learning another language. But have no fear, you don’t have to know all the t

Sheeeeee's BAAAACK.  (and front) (and sides)  Allow a refurbished CookE and I to 'splain what happened last weekend, and...

Sheeeeee's BAAAACK. (and front) (and sides) Allow a refurbished CookE and I to 'splain what happened last weekend, and what is to come. And a HEARTY HEARTY HEARTY Good LUCK to our two tasties heading out to Seattle this weekend, vying for their shot at the Hydra! Let's go Queen City! Let's go Philly! Bring it home! - FLB

Queen City Roller Girls
Philly Roller Derby
Providence Roller Derby
Wilkes Barre/Scranton Roller Derby
Eerie Roller Girls
Harrisburg Area Roller Derby
Hartford Area Roller Derby
Casco Bay Roller Derby
Black Diamond Rollers
Hill City Rollers
Twin State Derby
Pioneer Valley Roller Derby
Bux-Mont Roller Derby Dolls

Scores for 9/7 - 9/8 and the upcoming schedules for 9-14! And a new game possibility? Like us on FB: Follow us on Twitter Subscribe to future

Greetings!  I've often wondered if the three hour tour would have been so bad for everyone if Gilligan had a shot of ste...

Greetings! I've often wondered if the three hour tour would have been so bad for everyone if Gilligan had a shot of steering for a bit. Seems feasible, yes? Now I know, through experience, that a Gilligan-led ship would have, literally, sunk itself in port out of disgust for such inexperience manning its helm. So, on THAT note, here are your loneley Labor Day Scores and upcoming schedule! - Gillifrank

Ps. What's up, Tag! What's up, heeeYYYYYYOOOOOOH!

Bux-Mont Roller Derby Dolls
Philly Roller Derby
Pioneer Valley Roller Derby
Twin State Derby
Hill City Rollers
Black Diamond Rollers
Hartford Area Roller Derby
Casco Bay Roller Derby
Susquehanna Valley Derby Vixens
Harrisburg Area Roller Derby
Nightmares on main street
Nipissing Roller Derby
Eerie Roller Girls
Hogtown Roller Derby
Wilkes Barre/Scranton Roller Derby
Providence Roller Derby

BTPL-TMJ #19 Here it is! Labor Day scores and the upcoming bouts for the 7th and 8th. And I apologize in advance, Nipissing. - Frank Like us on FB: Follow

Just a few scores and a couple of games- I’ll keep this short and have no shame. -CookEGotham Girls Roller DerbySteel Ci...

Just a few scores and a couple of games-
I’ll keep this short and have no shame.

Gotham Girls Roller Derby
Steel City Roller Derby
Hellions of Troy Roller Derby
CT Roller Derby
Mass Attack Roller Derby
Boston Roller Derby
Albany All Stars Roller Derby
Central New York Roller Derby
York City Derby Dames
Providence Roller Derby
Wilkes Barre/Scranton Roller Derby

Just a few scores and a couple of games- I’ll keep this short and have no shame. -CookE Like us on FB: Follow us on Twitter Subscribe to futu

Yay! [sic]  It's that time again.  Scores.  Schedule.  Rinse.  Repeat.  Try.  Don't try.  Care.  Really care. Sort of ca...

Yay! [sic] It's that time again. Scores. Schedule. Rinse. Repeat. Try. Don't try. Care. Really care. Sort of care. Care bear. Bear dens. Den. Study. Stay in school. Wish I did. Wish I might. I might. I may. May. May. Go all the way. Hurray! Hurray gun. Her ray gun. But wait, first (deep breath) your NE derby scores (8/17-8/18) and schedules (8/24-8/25). - Frank Lee

Brandywine Roller Derby
Gotham Girls Roller Derby
Black Rose Rollers
York City Derby Dames
Albany All Stars Roller Derby
Black Diamond Rollers
Enchanted Mountain Roller Derby
Two Rivers Roller Derby
Steel City Roller Derby
CT Roller Derby
Eerie Roller Girls
Mass Attack Roller Derby
Hellions of Troy Roller Derby
Central New York Roller Derby
Boston Roller Derby
Eastbound Throwdown 2019
Eastbound Throwdown - A WFTDA Continental Cup

If a bout is scheduled and its score is not posted...did it actually occur? We say “F*C% NO” but we WILL tell you about the ones that did, in this, your 17th edition of Behind The Pivot Line’s-Two

Two Minute Jam.  Hmmm….Jam….not mayo, not ketchup…(or is it catsup)? Q: When Jammer A gets lead- what's the job of Jamme...

Two Minute Jam. Hmmm….Jam….not mayo, not ketchup…(or is it catsup)?

Q: When Jammer A gets lead- what's the job of Jammer B?
A: To ketchup. (Am I right?!)

Ok- I am not good at this humor stuff, but listen this week to catsup on the scores from the weekend of August 10th and find out where you can catch the live derby this weekend! - C

Assault City Roller Derby
Garden State Rollergirls
Lehigh Valley Roller Derby
Gotham Girls Roller Derby
Brandywine Roller Derby
Hellions of Troy Roller Derby
Granite State Roller Derby
Mass Attack Roller Derby
Bay State Brawlers
Harrisburg Area Roller Derby
Brandywine Roller Derby
Providence Roller Derby
Black Rose Rollers
Albany All Stars Roller Derby
Black Diamond Rollers
Enchanted Mountain Roller Derby
Two Rivers Roller Derby
Bux-Mont Roller Derby Dolls

Two Minute Jam. Hmmm….Jam….not mayo, not ketchup…(or is it catsup)? Q: When Jammer A gets lead- what's the job of Jammer B? A: To ketchup. (Am I right?!) Ok- I am not good at this humor stuff, b

This week's Two Minute Jam brings you the scores from the weekend of August 3rd and lets you know where you can catch th...

This week's Two Minute Jam brings you the scores from the weekend of August 3rd and lets you know where you can catch the derby action nearest you this coming weekend!

"Hell is a half-filled auditorium" - Robert Frost.

"Go out and see derby!" - Us

Eerie Roller Girls
Assault City Roller Derby
Central New York Roller Derby
Ithaca League of Women Rollers
Boston Roller Derby
Philly Roller Derby
Twin State Derby
Gotham Girls Roller Derby
Enchanted Mountain Roller Derby
Jersey Shore Roller Girls
Garden State Rollergirls
Lehigh Valley Roller Derby
Brandywine Roller Derby
Hellions of Troy Roller Derby
Granite State Roller Derby
Mass Attack Roller Derby
Bay State Brawlers
NH Roller Derby
Harrisburg Area Roller Derby

Two Minute Jam #15, bringing you the scores from the weekend of August 3rd and letting you know where you can catch the derby action nearest you this weekend! Like us on FB:






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