MacKenzie Morris

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MacKenzie Morris 💖Biz & Mindset Coach 💾Step into your confidence and sell like THAT GIRL. đŸ”„LFG energy only.

Doing the work on days where you feel uninspired and would rather be doing anything else is what gets you closer to your...

Doing the work on days where you feel uninspired and would rather be doing anything else is what gets you closer to your end goal.

Building a business is sexy but it’s hard as fck. It’s not for the faint of heart, the unmotivated, the easily persuaded, the quitters, the people who are neutral about life.

Entrepreneurs are delusions and resilient and obsessed with their vision. How could you not be when you can see the result so clearly? It’s so clear you could grab it.

How could you not do everything in your power to make it happen when the packed arenas full of thousands of people are waiting to hear you speak are within reach?

Don’t you dare let yourself down by taking your foot off the gas when things get a little hard and boring. Keep going. That’s when you’ll make millions.

 whew, ...


If you weren’t on this call
 whew, you missed some big, juicy convos (but don’t worry—you can join us for the next ones:

Here’s the tea on what we covered:

✹ Do I really need a million offers even if I just want to do one thing?
NOPE. You are the damn magic. People buy from YOU because of who you are—not because you have a bajillion things to sell. Stop stressing about what everyone else is doing and do what feels right for YOU. Cause no one does what you do better than you because you're you!

✹ Balancing a full-time job & business
If you’re maxed out, you don’t need to work harder—you may need to get support or to rework your time and/or offers to fit your new schedule . Hiring help might feel like an expense, but what’s it costing you NOT to? Your time? Your energy? Your sanity? Scaling means letting go of control and letting others lighten the load so that you can bring in more revenue down the road with that support.

✹How do I know when to invest in my biz?
If it’s just *pretty* (hello, unnecessary office decor), probably not. If it saves you time, will bring in money, or make your life easier? DO IT. Also, not investing in quality ish for your biz could be costing you money and clients.

The jist about what we talked about: Stop making business harder than it needs to be. The way to grow isn’t to do more—it’s to make the right, aligned moves that get you to your next level faster.

Questions we talked through on the call and things you can reflect on this week:

- What’s feeling most challenging for you in your business right now?
- Where do you feel stuck—mindset, strategy, or ex*****on?
- If you could solve one thing this week that would make everything feel easier, what would it be?
- What’s one thing you know you should be doing but keep putting off?
- If I could wave a magic wand and fix one thing in your business, what would you want it to be?”

Reflect on these and share in the comments where you may be feeling some resistance ⬇

You know that thing you keep saying you’ll do
 someday? That investment you’ll make when the money is right.That pivot y...

You know that thing you keep saying you’ll do

That investment you’ll make when the money is right.
That pivot you’ll take when you have more clarity.
That bold move you’ll step into when you feel ready.

Yeah. Same.

For YEARS, I told myself:
💭 I’ll go full-time when I have more proof that I can make this work.
💭 I’ll raise my prices when I feel more confident and know I can deliver.
💭 I’ll join the program when I have more time.

The perfect time never came. The money didn’t magically appear. The clarity didn’t fall from the sky.

Because it NEVER does.

And that’s when it hit me: I wasn’t waiting for things to fall into place—I was waiting for my courage and confidence and competence to show up.

👉 I needed validation to believe in myself.
👉 I wanted to feel safe enough to bet on my own damn success.
👉 I needed permission to act as if I was already the version of me who had the results I wanted.

And if you’re reading this, I’d bet you’re doing the same thing.
✹ You already KNOW what you need to do.
✹ You already KNOW what’s holding you back.

Hard truth: "until” is just a comfortable excuse dressed up as logic. It is an easy way to stay nice and comfy and cozy right where you are. Unfulfilled, liking what you do (but not full body obssessed), and knowing that you are meant for more but mentally trapped unable to take the next steps towards your biggest life.

So the real question is: how much longer are you willing to wait?

Because here’s the truth—everything you want is on the other side of until.

Head to the link in my bio to read my full blog post about this (it's so good).

Tomorrow is the Q&A call inside The Spotlight Society at 10:30am CST! If you are wanting a new set of eyes and ears on y...

Tomorrow is the Q&A call inside The Spotlight Society at 10:30am CST! If you are wanting a new set of eyes and ears on your business, come and join us and ask your questions!

Join for free with code ONEMONTH at checkout and you'll get a month of membership ON ME

MY BRAND IN LIGHTS. LITERALLY. đŸ„č😭I cannot even HANDLE how beyond incredible this is—hot pink, white, and full of perfect...


I cannot even HANDLE how beyond incredible this is—hot pink, white, and full of perfection. It gives ICON ENERGY. My brand. My name. In LIGHTS (as it should be)✹

This isn’t just a neon sign.

This is a physical representation of the biggest, boldest, most fully embodied version of ME. The MacKenzie Morris that owns her space, takes up the room, and refuses to be anything less than undeniably real and confident.

If you’ve been here since the beginning, you’ve seen the evolution—
đŸ”„ From bootstrapping a wedding biz to blowing it up to be an international staple.
đŸ”„ From playing BTS to stepping into full visibility and owning TF out of it.
đŸ”„ From “just making enough” to building an empire that speaks for itself and helps other bold baddies do the same.

That transformation is LIT UP for the world to see—literally. I get to stare at this every single day as a reminder of who I am, what I’ve built, and why I will never ever stop..

Major shoutout to for bringing this vision to LIFE! If you need a neon sign that screams ICONIC, you know where to go.

Drop a đŸ”„ if you need one because we don’t play small over here. Let’s GO. 🚀✹

The difference isn’t in the strategy and sales tactics
if it was literally everyone would be making millions on tap.  It...

The difference isn’t in the strategy and sales tactics
if it was literally everyone would be making millions on tap.

It’s deeper than that. As a mentor of mine says “it’s who you BE”.

If you don’t believe you can have everything under the sun, guess what? You won’t have it lololol.

You may say that you believe it and that you want it, but if your actions don’t align with it? Again, you won’t have it.

This was a spicy one, but it’s so important.

Growth doesn’t feel clean and polished. How could it when you're evolving into the next-level YOU?!Every major breakthro...

Growth doesn’t feel clean and polished. How could it when you're evolving into the next-level YOU?!

Every major breakthrough, every quantum leap, every “holy sh*t, I can’t believe this is my life” moment is always preceded by a phase of complete uncertainty and discomfort. Growth isn't comfy and cozy. It is expansive and hard for a reason. That's why not everyone is built for this.

đŸ”„ That offer you’re questioning? Might be the one that changes literally everything!!
đŸ”„ That pivot you’re hesitating on? Could be the key to unlocking your next level.
đŸ”„ That messy middle where nothing makes sense? It’s just the calm before the thunder storm—but in the besttttt way.

It feels like doubt, imposter syndrome, second-guessing, and wanting to burn it all down at least once a week (this never goes away).
But that’s where the magic happens. You CHOOSE to keep pushing ANYWAY.

So if you’re in it right now—if everything feels unclear, like you’re whirling around and nothing is clear in your mind...yet—take a deep breath.

Because this? This is the moment before the breakthrough.

Sh*t is about to get GOOD. Keep going.

Tell me—what’s one thing you’re pushing through right now? Let’s chat. đŸ‘‡đŸ”„


One of my baddie clients has booked 10 new clients since we started working together and multiple of those are 6 month clientsđŸ„ł

One of her biggest struggles was getting HER people to understand and realize that her posts were for THEM specifically and that her unique perspective and knowledge was the missing piece.

So, what did we do? We went through the whole sales process and messaging (copy/words/captions) and dissected it. We found the holes where people were falling through that were causing them to miss out on her service because they simply did not understand how she could help or why what she does was different from everyone else.

But once we filled the holes??? Her business began floating on air effortlessly and the discovery calls, the proposals, and the signed retainer agreements started flowing in easily.

You hear it all the time: fix your messaging, adjust your positioning, incorporate this sales strategy and THEN your business will XYZ....

And while some of those things are true and will help, working on your own without an outside perspective can make it really hard to fix an easy problem simply because we are blind to the holes in our own companies — we are too close to them. We are in it everyday.

Having the perspective, support, honesty, and accountability from someone who has done what you're trying to do, who you love and look up to, who you vibe with and trust their feedback because you know they are telling you the truth with love.....THAT is the game changer.

If you resonated with any of this, comment CHAT or DM me and let's talk about how we can get you where you want to be

How can you serve your clients in a way that is both fun and delivers a result? Tools, calculators, and interactive cont...

How can you serve your clients in a way that is both fun and delivers a result? Tools, calculators, and interactive content is an incredible way to do that!

How are you doing this in your brand?

Here are the types of content that are the most effective for lead generation.

We looked at 113 companies to determine which content marketing efforts produce the most leads.

As you can see, tools won by far, and the leads produced by tools tended to be high-quality as well.

Let’s talk about something real for a sec
Today is all about love. You’re probably showing it to your partner, your kids...

Let’s talk about something real for a sec
Today is all about love. You’re probably showing it to your partner, your kids, your friends, your fur babies (as you should).

BUTTT when was the last time you actually celebrated YOU?

Like, really looked in the mirror and said: Damn, I’m proud of myself. I love who I am and I have done some bomb-ass stuff in my life.

No one on this planet can do what you do, the way you do it. Your voice, your skills, your energy—it's like a fingerprint. One in a billion. NEVER can be or will be replicated. And THAT deserves to be celebrated.

So today, I challenge you to:
👉 Think of one thing you’re proud of—big or small.
👉 Hype yourself up. OUT LOUD.
👉 And if you’re feeling bold, post about it. (Tag me—I wanna celebrate with you! 🎉)

Because you are worthy. Because you deserve it. Because YOU ARE THAT GIRL.

And if no one else tells you today—I love the f*ck out of you. 💖

🔗 Click the link to read the full email & soak up all this self-love energy! âŹ‡ïž

My mom would always joke that I had an intensity about me and that anytime they were around me it felt like we were on “...

My mom would always joke that I had an intensity about me and that anytime they were around me it felt like we were on “drill team time”.

I’ve always had this sense of urgency, and need for speed and progress. That’s why I want an international competition out of fortune 500 company and graduated with three full-time job offers from that company.

It’s the reason why I’ve built multiple businesses across multiple niches and have sold multi six figures in my business. That does not happen by accident. It doesn’t just happen.

It happens by choice. The choice to decide that you’re going to play and win and then actually mean it and take action and start doing the things that you actually need to do to win.

sometimes, yes, that does mean, pulling out your credit card and paying somebody to help you do something that you can’t do because otherwise you will not do it, or that means getting your mind and check or sticking to the promises that you made yourself.

Whatever it is, it is a choice, and it is solely up to you if you were going to win or lose.

Comment the word "QUESTIONS" below and i'll send this free guide straight to you!

Comment the word "QUESTIONS" below and i'll send this free guide straight to you!

Let’s be real for a second—how many times have you held back from posting online because
❌ You didn’t feel “expert enoug...

Let’s be real for a second—how many times have you held back from posting online because

❌ You didn’t feel “expert enough.”
❌ You were scared of what people would think.
❌ You second-guessed if your content was “good enough.”

If your stomach just did a little flip reading that, know this—you’re not alone.

But here’s the thing
 Visibility isn’t optional if you want to grow your business and have a big life.

You can have the best offer in the world, but if no one knows about it? If no one sees you? If no one connects with your message? It’s not going to sell.

So, how do you go from being paralyzed by fear to showing up online with confidence, authority, and ease?

That’s exactly what I’m breaking down in my latest blog post. I’m sharing:

✹ The REAL reason fear holds you back from showing up (it’s not what you think).
✹ How to reframe your mindset so confidence becomes second nature.
✹Practical steps to get visible—even if you’re starting from zero.

Spoiler alert: It’s not about suddenly “feeling ready.” It’s about taking action even when you don’t feel ready.

Because confidence isn’t something you wait for—it’s something you build.

And if you’re serious about getting visible, growing your audience, and positioning yourself as a leader in your industry, this is your moment to step up.

It’s time to show up, take up space, and own your authority. You in?

Click to read it here:

p.s. and if you’re ready to stop hiding in the background and actually take action, I am hosting an Action and Accountability call on the 16th at 10:30am CST for all the members in The Spotlight Society. This is a time to be held accountable and cowork with others that just
.get it. Comment MEMBER and i'll send you the details to get inside, or head to my website on the community tab. and check it out for yourself.

Sundays are magical days for me! They are HIGHLY energetic and productive, so naturally I’m getting WERK DOOOONNNEEEEđŸ€ŻđŸ”„đŸ’–...

Sundays are magical days for me! They are HIGHLY energetic and productive, so naturally I’m getting WERK DOOOONNNEEEEđŸ€ŻđŸ”„đŸ’–đŸš€

I am so proud of what I’ve created inside my new community, the Spotlight Society! It is on a completely new level and I’m showing up and serving my heart out LIVE three times a month with the baddies already inside đŸ„č

Working with me is truly unreal. It’s unlike working with anyone else because no one can do what I do the way I do it đŸ”„

It makes my heart so full to have clients who love me for me and let me use my super powers to help them grow 😭

And this community lets me impact and change so many more people’s lives and business on a real, impactful scale and at a price that is affordable for anyone that is ready to make some real progress in their biz
.and THAT is so super important to međŸ„°

So, here is your invite, join us inside the Spotlight Society for only $79. Comment MEMBER to join us đŸ”„

Started in the Glass Office (my faveee) and got to kick off my day with a group call in my membership - eeeekkkk this wa...

Started in the Glass Office (my faveee) and got to kick off my day with a group call in my membership - eeeekkkk this was so good!

And then went straight into a 2 hour 1:1 in person session with a coaching client which was EPIC and hella transformational!

THEN for the extra goodness in top: I got to pickup my kiddos, celebrated a WIN for a client booking 2 new clients, and find out I have a new 1:1 starting March!

OMFG what an incredible day.

I didn’t have to be anywhere else or do anything else. I didnt sit behind a computer or spend time on socials at all.

I got to show up, and do what I love & am the best at, and then I got to just BE and exist free of pressure and urgency because I had done the work I needed to do today.

THIS is my perfect day! Sharing to celebrate myself today đŸ„č I can’t believe I’ve made it here.

brb while I go and recreate my schedule to fit this perfect day on MWF and then move all my ops and computer ish to TR
..cause ALIGNMENT âœŒđŸŒ

DECIDING you want more is easy...Actually stepping up and doing what it takes to create it? That’s where most people sto...

DECIDING you want more is easy...Actually stepping up and doing what it takes to create it? That’s where most people stop.

After sitting in that room with those $100K/month business owners, I realized something: Success wasn’t about luck or some secret formula—it was about standards.

✹ The standard they set for their mindset.
✹ The standard they set for their habits.
✹ The standard they set for their visibility.
✹ The standard they set for their offers, pricing, and positioning.

They didn’t just hope for success. They EXPECTED it because they backed that expectation with consistent action, big moves, and an unshakable belief in their own power.

So I had to ask myself: Was I willing to hold myself to THAT level?

And now? I’m asking YOU the same thing.

Because stepping into bigger rooms isn’t just about inspiration—it’s about accountability. It’s about rising to the level of the people around you. It’s about making sure that when you say, “I want more”—you actually f*cking MEAN IT.

This is exactly what we do inside The Spotlight Society 🚀

đŸ”„ We make bold moves.
đŸ”„ We show up even when we feel uncomfortable.
đŸ”„ We push past the fears that keep us small.
đŸ”„ We set new standards—and then we actually follow through.

So tell me—are you really actually ready for that big life? Or are you just saying you are?

If you’re ready to actually step in the room, drop MEMBER below, and I’ll send you the deets.



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