A HUGE SHOUTOUT to the Panda Express in Saratoga Springs, Utah!!! So a few weeks ago around dinner time my son, Bryen, and I were leaving Walmart when we saw a family on the street corner. There was a dad, mom and 3 young kids. The dad was holding a sign I couldn’t fully read, but it listed some of their needs like food, formula, and diapers. I drove by as he waved at me and I smiled back. At the next intersection, instead of proceeding, I turned the car around. Bryen asked me what I was doing, and I told him, “I feel that we should help that family back there.” I drove back, rolled down my window and stopped at the corner where the family was standing. I asked the father if I could get some food for their family. Panda Express was right there in that shopping center area. He thanked me and mentioned a couple things that his family would enjoy eating from there. When he mentioned quite a few food items he stated, “I have 7 children.” I had only seen 3 children with them and was surprised. I kind of laughed nervously saying, “I don’t know if I can afford that much food but I will get what I can.” (Honestly, I was thinking why can’t there be a McDonalds on this corner?! Ha!) The dad commented that they would be happy with whatever I provided. I feel kind of stupid now for that statement although I was taken by surprise and haven’t been feeling like we have a lot of money to spare with the way prices have been going up so high. I still felt it to be the right thing to do so I got in line for the drive through at Panda Express. I was looking over the menu and saw a Family Meal. It had 2 sides (noodles or rice) and 3 entrees choices. It was about $32. I ordered that and then asked the server how much it would cost to add more food to that Family Meal. I explained about the family on the corner and how there were 9 of them and I wanted to make sure I got enough food for everyone to eat. The worker then stated that they were happy to give me another full Family Meal for FREE!!! I questioned what I had heard to clarify as I couldn’t believe it! So 4 large sides and 6 large entrees for only $32!!! I knew that would be plenty of food for this family plus leftovers! I told Bryen that God is looking out for us and this family! When I got to the drive-through-window, I thanked the server profusely and in turn he thanked me. As he handed me the bags full of food he said with a smile, “I added a bunch of fortune cookies in there as well!” So sweet!!! When I returned to the family I saw the mother closing the back door of a minivan. It looked like all of their belongings were shoved in there and I wondered if they were living out of that van. The thought saddened me. When I handed the bags of food to the father he seemed overwhelmed. As he thanked me I told him to thank the Lord as He was the one who provided all of this. I drove off feeling very grateful: for my blessings, for my family, for my home, for the kindness of others like those at Panda Express and for the opportunities I am given to serve that bring me such joy.🙏🙏🙏🥰🥰🥰