Me and my crew getting down at my 70th birthday party😂🫱🏽🫲🏾
Is it good to you?! @teddyriley1 #DJPrince #NoLaggin #WelcomeToMyWorld🌍 #IsItGoodToYou #TeddyRiley #Juice ##1991 #ICanUseBothHands #Serato #SeratoDJ
If I was alive in 86-89…. I probably would’ve pulled up to the party JUST LIKE THIS!! 😂💪🏽🙏🏽🤷🏽♂️
“Make Me Wanna” X “The Heart Part 5” @octobertheking @kendricklamar #DJPrince #NoLaggin #WelcomeToMyWorld🌍 #MakeMeWanna #OctoberLondon #TheRebirthOfMarvin #2023 #KendrickLamar #MrMoraleAndTheBigSteppers #2022 #Serato #SeratoDJ
“Nasty Girl“ X “Rock Your Body” @tinashenow @justintimberlake #DJPrince #NoLaggin #WelcomeToMyWorld🌍 #NastyGirl #Tinashe #2024 #RockYourBody #JustinTimberlake #Justified #2002 #IBridgeTheGap #Serato #SeratoDJ
“Sexy Back” X “Good Days” @justintimberlake @sza #DJPrince #NoLaggin #WelcomeToMyWorld🌍 #SexyBack #JustinTimberlake #FutureSexLoveSounds #2006 ##GoodDays #2020 #IBridgeTheGap #Serato #SeratoDJ
“Everybody Rise” X “Emotions” @bustarhymes @daynejordan3d #DJPrince #NoLaggin #WelcomeToMyWorld🌍 #EverybodyRise #BustaRhymes #Genesis #2001 #Emotions #MemoirsOfDayneJordan #2015 #IBridgeTheGap #Serato #SeratoDJ
Moral of the story is… WAKE UP, LIVE ya life, AND DANCE‼️
Gotta love New York… have a great day🙏🏽‼️🫶🏽
Gotta love New York…Have a great day 🫶🏽‼️🙏🏽
Good morning! Have a great week🫶🏽🙌🏽