Greetings to new followers of this page. I thought it a good idea to explain the reason for the various web presences of .
The main and original Facebook group for the latest prog news in the area is Solent Area Prog . I advise you to join that even if you don't visit any of the others.
To build events and have the ability to invite friends I made the page from which you are reading this. I rarely post anything else here.
As members of the original group wished to post photographs and discuss various music and other off-topic things of interest to the group I built the Solent prog discussion group so that the original group remain solely a source for news.
Other things that might be of interest are the web page where I put links for everything that I think you are likely to want (when I can find them myself) including links other social accounts. https://geoffreytucker42.wixsite.com/solentareaprog
The web gig list is frequently updated - often daily. The previous month's updates can be seen on the 'latest' page on the site.
I also have an email list from where I send the latest news and the occasional teaser along with the gig list as a printable attachment. If you want me to add you to the list please message me in my personal account with your email address. Find me here > https://www.facebook.com/geoffrey.tucker.5
Send a message to learn more