All the really special stuff has been here before the concept of innovation corrupted the perfect. Falling in love.A forest. A friend.A child. The ocean. Even art and music are as old as humanity. The spectacular needs no enhancement. Even great sadness and deepest loss has a gift in melancholy. 58 years on earth, privileged to essentially have whatever I wanted. In conclusion I take a sweet Tomato over a feast.A small fire and a single friend over an orchestra. After all I have experienced in this glorious life, it turns out I’m a snowfall, a blanket and a warm fire in a deep wood.That’s about it.
I thought I was living between the raindrops.I was somehow immune to issues on planet earth.Illness, death, failed work, homelessness, While I was in all of it I felt it didn’t touch me. One day it all kinda fell away.I realized I have been getting pelted in the head all along.I needed to protect myself by believing I was some kind of Teflon Don.These days like all of us the rain keeps coming. But instead of thinking it doesn’t exist.Thinking the rain is missing me.I acknowledge I am getting wet. I let it soak in deep.I don’t pretend or avoid this or that.I sit with it.I let it make me cry or laugh or whatever else.This is the isness. The unfettered moment, free of added interpretation. THIS is the real raw magic of this incarnation. Sitting with what is and letting it evaporate as it always does.
I have made chicken wings in a dozen restaurants. THIS is not my fault.If you have a sports bar or a pub with a menu I conceded you have no have no f**king choice.Chicken wings 25 years ago was a throw away item. It was a culinary afterthought. The chinese/ French liked them for stocks. BUT its popularity has grown.For me I would take a drumstick over a wing 10 out of 10 times.Anything you can do with a wing in a kitchen you can do with a drumstick ........Except sell them. The best wing I personally ever made or had was done in my own barbeque restaurant.It was a smoked wing that was first brined then smoked and on pick up it was fried then tossed in sauce. {Sauce is another full book}If I had to give you a single tip about wings THIS above all else Brine the wings.You can do a dry brine or a wet brine.The concept is to have the wing retain moisture during the cooking process .BTW I Brine whole chicken and Turkey as well.You can wet and dry brine if you like.If you are serious about wings watch a video about brining. You can also read about barding and larding while you’re at it.*This is a special Super Bowl post.Tomorrow I will return to the normal existential dread my readers are accustomed to.
David Lynch died a day or two ago.He had one of my favorite quotes having to do with any kind of art. “You drink coffee, you paint, you smoke cigarettes and that’s it” ........... listening or viewing art in any form creates a portal that shuts down the brain for a second.It allows pure thought. Art penetrates your brain’s endless conversations and allows a clear moment. IN the creation of art the portals open longer .Getting lost in the process of creation is the gift to the artist.All else is fluff. I suggest all my friends do something creative.It doesn’t matter even a little what it is.You know you are doing it right when the concept of good or bad does not enter into it.If you are unfortunate enough to be around a bunch of judgy mopes their own unhappiness is punishment enough.
Dodging arrows of anger or hatred. Jealousy or judgement. Creating shields of protection.Some arrows rip your heart wide open and leave you in a corner to bleed out.Some take years to heal the wound .Some stay in you as a constant reminder of this or that. Some kill you.The spiritual warrior’s time is not wasted hiding from the arrows creating a fancy defence.They let the arrow pass through them. Understanding the arrow’s poison is generally made worse by the stories we connect to it. Sometimes the warrior can even have the ability to have compassion for the archer. Kinda like the cool hippie who said “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”
150,000 people will die today. 150,000 people will die tomorrow and the day after and the day after that.If you are not one of them, enjoy the weekend.
Past, present and future all appear at the intersection of pregnant.Nothing is more beautiful, fierce, brave and cranky than pregnant.Take good care of the pregnant ones.They take good care of all of us.
Bridgett Fonda of Dirty Dancing fame was a superstar for a SHORT while. She decided since she was a movie star she needed a perfect nose. After her medically altered ‘perfect nose’ was on her face her career tanked. She was almost unrecognizable. In her pursuit of perfection her charm and quirkiness was ended in the fans eyes by a surgeon’s scalpel. Embrace imperfection.Nothing is wrong with you. White washing anything is terribly boring. It’s an awful goal.Its not that you need to be different just yourself. The concept of wabi sabi embracing the imperfect is an aesthetic and a philosophy worth further understanding. Not to stop Improving whatever. Just learning to rest in the imperfect is much more important. Pursuing Perfect [which is non-existent anyway] gets in the way of the essence of what makes you maginicient in the first place.
Happy Thanksgiving Peace on Earth
There is a cheese from France named Epoisses.It’s a soft cow’s milk cheese with an edible washed rind made with Burgundy wine.It is so pungent it is outlawed to be eaten in public spaces in France.When Pam buys me cheese for my Birthday she forgets which one smells like a drunk next morning at a frat house and I she buys it for me. Of course I love it and even in a bag in the fridge you can still smell it.The last nail in my heart stents came last night when I made myself some cheese and crackers and brought it into the bedroom to watch a movie with Pam.That will be the last time she buys me Epoisses ever again. So not only does “the rat stand alone” and “ The cheese stand alone” but also Adam stands alone.................... on the porch finishing his cheese.
We are thin canoes of peace floating in oceans of chaos. We use everything we possibly can to distract the ocean’s waves from coming over the sides of the boat.We have small distractions like a Big mac or large distractions like relationships.We have no fault of our own distractions like health or geography.We spend most of our days bailing water out of the canoes to stay afloat. By either practical means like earning money or by eating a Big Mac [avoiding is part of temporarily stopping the waves] we are bailing 24/7 so the canoe floats. The spiritual warrior turns to the ocean and says Come and get me mother f**ker. He throws his bucket and oars into the wake and stops bailing. Does this sound like giving up ? Yes it is.The warrior realizes that once you stop bailing the ocean disappears on its own.The waves still hit but they have no more power.By realizing your powerlessness it makes you the most powerful of all.