We are delighted to announce this years adjudicator will be Carrie Ellis.
CARRIE ELLIS, BA (Hons) FIDTA (Dist.) LIDTA, CertEd, Dip Arts Ed, SAC Dip. DWC Judge, Examiner and Adjudicator.
Formerly trained by her Mother Noeleen Ellis-Balshaw at the Carlotta School Blackburn Lancashire, Carrie was tutored in ISTD and BBO, to Advanced level, she then went on to finish her training at Arts Educational School London on the Musical Theatre course.
Having had more than 38 years of a career performing in London’s West End, National UK Tours, Repertory Theatre, Television, Radio, Concerts and Films. Some of her favourite professional roles include Velma Kelly, ‘Chicago’, Carlotta, ‘Phantom of the Opera’ Peaches/Baby Jane, ’Jerry Springer the Opera’, Jellylorum & Grizabella, ’Cats’, Lady Jacqueline, ‘Me and My Girl’, Golde, ‘Fiddler on The Roof’, Lesley Pynchon, ‘The Fix’, Ida, ’Honk’, Consuela, ‘West Side Story’, Val, ‘Chorus Line’, Lianne Dexhleman’s, ‘Gigi’, Mavis, ‘Stepping Out’, Mrs. Molloy, ’The Matchmaker’. As well as numerous pantomimes including playing principal boys, baddies, and fairies. Carrie has also been lucky enough to perform in concerts in Britain, Europe and onboard the QE2.
TV works includes: ‘Cutting It’,’ Highly Sprung’ ‘Tonight at 8.30’ ‘Coronation Street’ and ‘Jerry Springer the Opera’.
On Radio: Lead roles in ‘Chorus Line’ ‘Follies’ ‘Sweet Charity’ and ‘Take It up the Octave’.
After residing in London for many years, Carrie now lives in beautiful Lytham St. Annes where she continues to pass on her passion and knowledge for performing to her students. Focusing most of her time choreographing competition work, master classes, audition technique, drama, and musical theatre, choreographing and directing shows in various colleges all over the country. Carrie is also an Examiner for The Dang Musical Theatre and Dance Exams.
She has worked at colleges such as, The Hammond, (MT tutor) Northern Ballet School, (MT tutor) LCPA (head of drama), LTS, (audition technique and MT tutor) Shockout Arts (head of musical theatre), Theatre Works (head of drama and MT tutor) and Arts Educational. (Audition technique) In addition Carrie is also busy in her role as a Federation, All England, TDCI Championship, Miss Dance Adjudicator and DWC judge.