Professionals that have the utmost commitment to their clients and will do whatever it takes to see that the clients needs are satisfied. This page / group has been created primarily for independent and small professional mobile DJ companies. Unlike large DJ companies that have many DJ's available to cover an event in case of emergency, independent and small DJ companies (1 or 2 DJs), would find t
hemselves in a very difficult situation if a catastrophic illness, accident or death occurred to them or a close member of their family. The bottom line is your clients event (wedding) will still happen and this page will help to ensure that your client isn't left without entertainment in such an event. This group is for catastrophic events and NOT because you've got a cold and don't feel well !!! As a full-time entertainer for over 25 years, I've certainly had days when, if I could have, I would have called in sick. As you already know, calling in sick to a wedding is simply not an option. Therefore, you do whatever it takes to get through the day and do it with a smile on your face. However, what happens if you or a close family member is rushed to the hospital, has a heart attack, stroke, catastrophic illness, accident or even passes away? Your clients wedding will still go on and they need entertainment. Weddings typically contract about a year in advance and none of us know what tomorrow's going to bring never mind a year or more from now. As tragic as it may sound, reality is what it is. If something were to happen to you or a close member of your family the day of or even days before a clients wedding, would they cancel it? They do however need a replacement quickly. My family knows that the first thing they need to do if something were to happen to me is to contact my clients and see that they either get a reputable replacement or at the very least get their deposit returned to them in the event they would like to find their own replacement (assuming there's time to do so). By becoming a member of this group you agree to provide your work & personal cell phone numbers as well as the contact information of the family members to contact in case of emergency. You'll also agree to do whatever it takes to help a fellow professional DJ's client in need if such an occasion ever arises with any member of this group. This group is for professional, full-time mobile DJ's who care about their clients event over everything else as well as preserving their own reputation of reliability. This page is not for a DJ company that wants to offer jobs, referrals or do any type or finical transactions or commissions. If something were to happen to a member of this group you're simply asked to cover the event personally or aid in finding someone if you were unable. You would be fairly compensated by the entertainer you’re covering, the entertainer's family or the client for which the job was done depending on each individual situation. We simply will have each others back. When talking with perspective clients and the question "what happens if you get sick?" comes up, the existence of this group can be shared with your clients to ease their minds. You do not need to share the existence of this group with your clients if they don't ask the "what if" question. It's up to you. To recap the benefits:
1. Protection for your clients & their events.
2. Protection for your business your reputation.
3. No cost, ever.
4. Peace of mind.
5. A perfect answer to the question "what happens if you get sick?". To recap what you cannot do:
1. You cannot call upon a fellow member of this group due to a minor illness or because you booked an event on your anniversary and need to get out of it.
2. You cannot invite any other professional DJ into this group without unanimous consent of every current member of the group.
3. You cannot add a client to the group (you may show them the page if you care to).