All warm & cost for a night under the stars ✨
Beautiful set up for a magical 13th bday ⛺️
Welcome to the slumber party set ups Disco Ball! ✨
#shinydiscoballs #discoball #glampingwa #perthisok
A very special set up today for our oldest daughter & her cousins. Happy 8th Birthday miss C 💕
#southernforestsglamping #discoball #newtheme #glampingperth #glampingwa #manjimup #southernforests
All set up in Pink & Grey to celebrate this party girl hitting double digits 💃 🎈
Boho Birthday Set up for 7 guests.
All set up in a stunning garden for a special birthday celebration.
A first doing a boho inspired slumber party for 7!
Thanks to the beautiful birthday gal for sending us off home with some chocolate brownies & Dutch Irises. (Pic of flowers in comments.) Very spoilt.
Was an absolute pleasure setting up a chill zone for the Kearnan Ball with @theflowerfoxmanjimup
The theme was bright and eclectic boho. Lots of texture throughout the styling. All looked so pretty.
Hope the evening under the ✨ is amazing
#eclecticboho #belltentinteriors #kearnancollege
This weekend we set up a stunning honeymoon suite.
Congratulations 🥂
#waweddings #glampingwa #southernforestsandvalleys #beautifulbridgetown #southwestwa
Vintage Boho inspired honeymoon suite.
Seriously, who wouldn’t want to wake up after an amazing wedding day looking out to a view like that 🤩✨
So here’s a look at inside on yesterday’s set up.
We were asked for a grown up boho style and was so happy to hear the birthday girl loved the look 🙌✨
#glampinglife #glamping #manjimuplife #wanderoutyonder #southernforestsandvalleys #southernforestsglamping #southernforestsslumberparties
SLUMBER PARTY | All set up for a birthday slumber party tonight in Manjimup.
#manjimuplife #perth #glamping #southernforestsandvalleys #exploresouthernforests #pembertonwa #beautifulbridgetown