So it is Valentin’s Day , if you have feelings for me, now is the time to tell me…
If you don’t love me, go away, go away…🙏
#djhaemerofficial #stvalentin #samkizevent
Many grow up physically but remain immature because they haven’t understood that being a man is a question of character and responsibility, much more than appearance.
You can have a beard, a deep voice or know how to talk and be a big boy.
What defines a man is his sense of responsibility, his values, his behavior towards others and his ability to face life with maturity.
Work hard Play hard Only When you have a healthy mind but never never when you’re emotionally ill.
Otherwise you will finish like Britney Spears and P. Diddy
When a fearful friend wants to fight with people, you have to abandon him otherwise he will be the one who abandons you and runs away when the fight is hard or when the opponent takes out a knife. You will be alone in a mess that you do not understand
I am catastrophe: Intensif learning, no time for rest 🥵
Time flies: Yesterday they were kid, today they are masters. I like working with them, but i love the afterworks even more 😇
Hey hey Fakou-che-che !!!
You who criticize that Kizomba or Tarraxinha is too sexual and that traditionally it is against morality,
know that you analyze this dance under the paradigm of Western thought.
But according to the African paradigm, all traditional African dances are the reflection, the language of COSMOLOGY.
This dance that you see here is practiced mainly in Central Africa, South Africa, East Africa in the villages.
Please before pretending to play the expert of any African dance, go learn at the source.
And the source does not mean that it is enough to limit yourself to a big city in an African country and consider that you know everything.
Please be humble!
If you are bothered by some practices of African dance, then don't dance, go dance on techno and funky music.
But pretending that you are losing your mind, bothered by my way of dancing softly Douceur while you yourself,
when we observe you on the dance floor dancing with your favorite dancer,
you are stuck to him as if you form one body together, that is really really really denial and paranoia.
#traditionalafricandance #kizombadance #kizombasensual #samkizevent #kizombamayor
Neighbourhood party
#neighbourhoodweekender #halloweenparty #
Foot treadle game
#kizombafootwork #kizombamayor #samkizevent
Part 4 Nathalie Birthday body expression, dans is nit only foot.
#kizombadancers #samkizevent #kizombamayor #bodymoves
Part3 private party is more fun than festival because you keep good connection with people #salsamambo #salsadancing #salsaromantica
Part 2 No only kizomba in life, people who survive are those who know how to adapt at any circomstances.
Dinosaurs are a good example, they were the strongest but did not survive. Covid19 is the current example.
#samkizevent #hustle #positifmindset