Wild rice bowls, using seasonal ingredients and our house made Huckleberry vinaigrette. Wild rice is from @redlakenation, local bison from Dixon, squash from @harlequinproduce, and local huckleberries. #eatlocal #knowyourfoodsource #eatorganic #foodismedicine❤️ #dixonbison #wildricebowl #indigenousfood #groundbison #housemadedressing #huckleberryvinaigrette
Qene’s Catering was delighted to serve Montana Environmental Information Center’s 50th anniversary celebration at Little Smith Creek Ranch in Victor, MY. We served local bison from Buffalo Chase Premium Bison, local produce from Glacier Tilth Farm, huckleberries locally foraged. Menu was bison roast, rainbow potatoes, wild rice (Red Lake Nation Foods) butternut squash & huckleberry salad, green salad and dinner rolls. Was good to be back in the motherland. Trina Fyant Makenzie Felsman #salishfoods #bitterrootsalish #backinthemotherland
I am so in love with this place, one of my favorite facilities to cater and feed people at. So much history & great memories, not just my own, but for so many others as well. This place has a piece of my ♥️
Catering for the staff at the Free eye clinic this week
Groom problems... gotta get the cuff links on
Out gathering foods, and I see this little family, a Mama and her triplets. I was too close, so I moved along, I felt that I was intruding in their space. #respect #mamabear #triplets Trina Fyant Felsman
Montana catering problems... grilling in the hail. Nothing stops this Seliš cook. Bring it on! Lemlmtš to @whispermeans and the crew from International Wildlife Film Festival for the booking. We had a great time servicing up Bison Burgers and fixings for you all. #montanaweatherproblems #springinmontana #cateringproblems #bringiton #seliš #montanasalish #internationalwildlifefilmfestival #iwff2019 #outdoorcatering @trinafelsman
Get your order in ASAP. Indian tacos 😋
Pick up in Mission today (3/12/19) 5-6:30 @ Tribal Health
$50 includes chili, 6 pieces of frybread, lettuce tomatoes and cheese
Call or text me @ 360-0437