Top .1%! 😭💕 yup, that decimal is in the right place! We celebrate 8 years of in a couple weeks, and it never gets old watching those numbers increase and reaching milestones we never could have dreamed we would get to-to say I am grateful beyond words is truly an understatement. 💕💕💕
Heart shaped waffles on this Snow Day! ❤️ ❄️
Good morning ☀️! A greeting, an invitation, a declaration.
Today’s favorite thing: Thank You notes! I’ll never stop writing them and I’ll never stop lovvvvving 💕 them! Today’s thank you note is going out to all you guys-thanks for being supportive, encouraging and kind!
Good morning! As I was preparing to use one of my favorite mugs this morning, where Mister Roger changes in to his sweater, I was reminded of a quote I saw recently. “Be the Mister Rogers of your neighborhood” 💕
I’ve been quiet on here lately, it’s been hard to continue with my scheduled content when it doesn’t seem important with all the heaviness that is everywhere. I woke up this morning, though, with a spirit of excitement of all that is going to come out of this difficult season. I’ve been through difficult seasons before, and what came on the other side was always above and beyond what I had prayed for. I know this will be no different. How am I able to be hopeful? To be optimistic? My hope is in the Lord, and He is faithful. It is as simple, and lovely, as that.
I’ve decided to focus on gratitude, on all of the small and big, the silly and the important, all of the things that are happening that I don’t want to be overshadowed by the darkness. So, that’s what I’ll be doing over here this week-it’s going to be a gratitude storm. I hope you’ll join me and share what you are noticing, celebrating and enjoying during this crazy time!
Day 23: Feeling- Excited! This is how I feel about Thanksgiving being this week and getting to spend time with family!
Best Seller Badge Alert! 🙌🏻