NACE is the National Association For Catering and Events! NACE is the oldest and largest professional association that addresses all aspects of the catering industry. Through the collective efforts of members, local chapters, committees and the Foundation of NACE. NACE is at the forefront of the issues that directly affect you and your business. From practical tips that you can use to provide bett
er service to your clients, to recognition and marketing programs that enhance the credibility and professionalism of the field, NACE is on the cutting edge. From educational programs to standards, to ethics, to legislative monitoring, NACE leads the way. NACE Chapters: Your involvement begins at the local level. When you join NACE, you instantly become part of a local chapter. NACE has over 4,100 members nationally and 47 chapters offering monthly meetings that feature nationally renown speakers, educational programs, idea sharing and networking. There is a chapter fee to attend local events. JOIN ONLINE AT and choose the South Florida Chapter. Each additional chapter that you add is $50.00
1. Only NACE Members can post.
2. This is a Group Page, please avoid personal posts.
3. Respect your audience and their time.
4. Be mindful of what you post.
5. No chain letter posting.
6. The No No’s:
- No foul language.
- No vulgarity.
- No negative comments.