Miss Earth USA

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Miss Earth USA BEAUTIES FOR A CAUSE® | USA preliminary to MISS EARTH® | January 7, 2023 in Orlando

Brielle Simmons is your reigning Miss Earth USA 2022 and will represent the USA at Miss Earth® in the Philippines in November 2022. Miss Earth 2021 Destiny Wagner of Belize is the most recent international winner of Miss Earth. State and national competitions are open to unmarried US citizens age 18-28, with supporting divisions available for multiple ages. Since 2016, based in Virginia USA, Earth

Pageant Productions, LLC owned by Laura Clark is the exclusive United States license holder granted by Carousel Produ

Abbygail Dereje WashingtonMeet the next class of Miss Earth USA 2023-2024. Learn about state pageants and appointed titl...

Abbygail Dereje
Meet the next class of Miss Earth USA 2023-2024. Learn about state pageants and appointed titles at www.missearthusa.com.
“I am a nursing student also nursing assistant who wants to make a change. Climate change is real and happening before our eyes and it takes a force in order to right the wrong of the past. I believe that I can lead the everyday human to a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable way of life.”
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Irene ZielinskiOklahoma Meet the next class of Miss Earth USA 2023-2024. Learn about state pageants and appointed titles...

Irene Zielinski
Meet the next class of Miss Earth USA 2023-2024. Learn about state pageants and appointed titles at www.missearthusa.com.
“I love the Miss Earth USA organization's push for diversity and inclusion in pageantry, as well as the mental health focus.”
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    will host this summer’s first of 26 Miss Earth USA    state preliminaries on July 7-8. Divisions are ages 5-25.

will host this summer’s first of 26 Miss Earth USA state preliminaries on July 7-8. Divisions are ages 5-25.

Юные сестры из Караганды победили на международном конкурсе-фестивале красоты и таланта Осенью прошедшего года караганди...

Юные сестры из Караганды победили на международном конкурсе-фестивале красоты и таланта

Осенью прошедшего года карагандинки – мама и дочь Александра и Арина Георгиади одержали победу на фестивале красоты и таланта в Турции, где проходило несколько конкурсов этого направления. В начале мая обе дочери Александры – Арина и Марика – стали обладательницами корон уже на другом таком конкурсе. Девочки получили титулы «Little Miss World» и «Photomodel of the World». От Караганды туда отправилась целая команда участниц – и ни одна не вернулась без награды, включая мам, сообщает редакция сайта ekaraganda

С международного конкурса красоты и таланта, в котором прошли конкурсы «Little (Mini) Miss World» дочери Александры вернулись с победами. Ездили, говорит Александра, не одни: из Караганды на конкурс отправились еще две юные участницы, а также одна из Темиртау. У дочерей Александры – главные титулы победителей: Арина получила корону Гран-при «Little Miss World», а Марика - «Photomodel of the World».

- В свой самый первый раз поучаствовав в конкурсе красоты и таланта, я получила титул «Mini Miss Темиртау», затем был конкурс в Турции, и мне очень понравилось участвовать в таких событиях, - призналась Арина Георгиади. – Я не знала о награде Гран-при до того момента, как получила ее – а эта награда, оказывается, дается раз в три года. Атмосфера на конкурсе была дружеская: мы друг друга поддерживали. К турам, где нужно было показать себя с творческой стороны, я готовилась вместе с хореографом – мы создавали восточный танец.

Для 11-летней Марики Георгиади, получившей титул «Photomodel of the World», это был первый конкурс красоты. Девочке захотелось поучаствовать в конкурсе вместе с сестрой, ощутить, каково это – и результата, говорит, она ожидала. Ходить на подиуме девочка обучалась неделю, а двигаться в платьях, поделилась – целое искусство, которому можно учиться очень долго.

- Я специально не волновалась, - пошутила Марика. – В творческом туре тоже исполнила танец – казахский национальный, который разучивала две недели. Теперь хочется участвовать в таких конкурсах и дальше: мечтаю поехать на конкурс в сентябре. Думаю, здесь важно не сдаваться, придумывать идеи для костюмов и, конечно, обучаться движению на подиуме.

Мадина Ахметбаева – не только руководитель карагандинского модельного агентства «Art Line», но и национальный директор международных конкурсов-фестивалей «Little Miss World» и «Miss 7 Continents». От Казахстана на конкурс отправились победители этого года, а также прошлого, рассказала Мадина, которая выступала в проекте еще и в качестве жюри. Конкурс продлился 10 дней в турецком городе Кушадасы, туда съехались представители 30 стран мира, так что удалось совместить и подготовку, и отдых. Титулы вручили всем участницам, но они различались по категориям. Такие состязания проводятся более 30 лет, их организует Всемирная лига красоты и моды во главе с Ашотом Хачатуряном.

- Для Арины Георгиади это вторая поездка на заграничный конкурс красоты и таланта – в прошлый раз она привезла три титула, поэтому сейчас ее подготовка была куда более целенаправленной, - отметила Мадина Ахметбаева. – Был, кстати, и тур для мам – «Mom of the Universe», где им предлагалось поучаствовать в дефиле вечерних платьев, национальных костюмах, и наша карагандинская мама, Алтынай Игембаева, мастерски исполнила танец «Акку» и привезла корону в номинации «Miss Talent». Другая мама, Кристина Оссинская из Темиртау, победила в номинации «Mrs Mom of the World», получив титул самой красивой мамы – корону ей вручила Александра Георгиади. Кстати, второй год подряд казахстанские мамы на таком конкурсе самые красивые.

Что касается других участниц поездки в Кушадасы, здесь титулы распределились следующим образом. Айлин Марат, «Mini Miss Karaganda», завоевала три титула и три короны – в категориях «Mini Miss Talent», «Little Queen World», «Photomodel of the Globe». Обладательница звания «Mini Miss Karaganda 2023» Камила Сайлау получила титулы «Little Miss Earth», «Mini Top Model World», Милана Оссинская – титулы «Little Miss Universe» и «Best of the Best». А финалистка конкурса «Miss Karaganda» Алина Кагарманова получила корону и титул «Miss Friendship». Финалистке конкурса «Miss Temirtau» Милане Мошаровой присудили титул «Miss Talent».

А пока Мадина Ахметбаева и ее модельное агентство начинают подготовку к кастингу конкурса красоты и таланта «Miss Karaganda» - здесь могут участвовать девушки от 18 до 25 лет. В планах, говорит Мадина, есть и проведение конкурса «Mrs Karaganda» - обо всем будет сообщено позже.

Who is Miss Philippines Earth 2023 Yllana Marie Aduana?The Philippines has crowned its 2023 representative for the eco-f...

Who is Miss Philippines Earth 2023 Yllana Marie Aduana?

The Philippines has crowned its 2023 representative for the eco-focused Miss Earth, one of the major global beauty pageants.

Yllana Marie Aduana, 24, a medical technology graduate, beat 27 other competitors to win Miss Philippines Earth 2023 at a glitzy ceremony in Toledo, Cebu on Saturday night. She was crowned by the outgoing title holder Jenny Ramp.

Representing Laguna province, Aduana, who competed at the same pageant in 2021 and made it to the Top 10, was a crowd favourite from the start.

At the competition, where candidates are required to tout their eco-credentials, she spoke about her non-profit, Edukasyon for Every Juan, which aims to help in the fight against climate change and to educate people on climate reality.

Aduana wore a dress made out of 5,000 safety pins by fashion designer Ken Batino for the final round.

"As a woman and as an Earth warrior, I have the duty to be as nurturing, compassionate, loving and hope providing as our mother earth," she posted on Instagram. "Like a safety pin, we hold critical things together. And as women, we hold the earth together."

During the final question-and-answer round posed to the Top five, Aduana was asked: "What do you think people in the future would say about your generation?"

"I would definitely say that our generation, although misconstrued as very ardent, I would have to say that we use our voices for a reason and that is to always speak up for the things that we know are right and for the things that we know we deserve," she said.

"That is why we are very ardent about it. That is why I’m also conducting colloquiums on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and their interconnectedness to nature in hopes to precipitate people’s eco-consciousness because our future is the linebackers and the pioneers of environmental amelioration, and we should always take advantage of it at all costs."

Rounding off the Top 5 were "elemental queens" Athena Auxillo of Toledo City, who was named Miss Philippines Air; Sha'uri Livori of Fil-Com Melbourne, Australia was Miss Philippines Water; Jemimah Joy Zabala of Puerto Princesa City was Miss Philippines Fire and Kerri Reilly of Mangatarem, Pangasinan, was Miss Philippines Ecotourism.

Besides her 2021 stint at Miss Philippines Earth, Aduana also participated in Binibining Pilipinas 2022, where she made it to the Top 12. The national contest selects the Philippines representatives to the Miss World, Miss Universe and Miss International contests.
She will now prepare for the Miss Earth 2023 competition, to be held in Vietnam later this year, a date for which has not been announced.

The current Miss Earth is Mina Sue Choi of South Korea who was crowned last year in Manila.

Scroll through the gallery below for more pictures from the Miss Earth 2022 competition

CVCS Graduate Finishes Term In National Miss Earth PageantA Cassadaga Valley graduate who moved out west has recently co...

CVCS Graduate Finishes Term In National Miss Earth Pageant

A Cassadaga Valley graduate who moved out west has recently completed her term in the Miss Earth USA Pageant.

Miss Earth USA is similar to Miss America or Miss USA, where it’s a competition. Harley Anderson was selected to serve as Miss Wyoming for the organization.

Anderson is actually a Colorado resident, but still was able to represent the state of Wyoming. “The Miss Earth system is unique, where you don’t have to be a full-time resident of the state you are representing,” she said during a phone interview.

They have “at-large” titles, which allowed her to be selected one of those spots. “Wyoming is an incredible state that I live very close to. I’ve had the privilege to traveling to there a lot last year. I really just love it there, so it was an easy choice for me,” she said.

According to the organization’s website, since 2001, the Miss Earth organization has created a platform for women and girls to experience the glamour of the beauty pageant industry while making an impact on environmental issues around the globe.

The Miss Earth USA organization offers multiple age divisions to help influential young women and girls gain experience and recognition for their achievements.

Its commitment to the environment was one of the reasons Anderson decided to try out for the pageant.

“Rather than have a bunch of different platforms, they really focus on building a global community for people working on environmental causes. … I chose this program specifically because I felt it aligned more with my personal values, being really interested in sustainability and environmental causes,” she said.

Anderson moved to Colorado in 2020. She graduated in 2016 from Cassadaga Valley Central School. She had attended St. Bonaventure and later Jamestown Community College.

During the pandemic, Anderson decided she wanted to live out west and applied and was accepted at the University of Northern Colorado, where she earned her degree in communication and media studies.

“I didn’t know anyone out here when I moved. It’s just been the most incredible adventure. It’s such a blessing to live in one of the most beautiful places on earth,” she said.

In 2021, Anderson participated in her first pageant. “Once you do one, you just want to do it again,” she said.

In the spring of 2022, she applied for the Miss Earth pageant, where she was successful at being selected.

By being selected as Miss Wyoming, she was able to participate in a host of activities all over the country.

One of the highlights of the year was participating in the New York City Fashion Week.

“It was absolutely unreal, one of those childhood dreams. … I was able to walk for a designer who makes pageant gowns and things like that. It was absolutely incredible,” she said.

It was also quite a different experience from some of their other duties, because Miss Earth does a lot of “in the dirt” environmental work, cleaning up communities. “We got to do that high glam, hair and makeup, just beautiful,” she said with a laugh.

In January was the Miss Earth competition week, which took place in Orlando, Fla.

Before the week began were numerous interviews. Competitors also had to submit videos of projects that they had participated in throughout the year.

For Anderson’s “think global, act local” project, she designed reusable coffee cups and donated them to her local coffee shops. “I’m a huge coffee drinker, so it’s kind of one of those ‘small swaps’ that I made in my life where stopped using disposable coffee cups,” she said.

On the coffee cups was the phrase “move mountains today” which fit with her platform as Miss Wyoming. “Just as you move small stones to eventually move mountains, your small lifestyle changes will eventually lead to a larger change,” she said.

Although Anderson did not win in the national Miss Earth pageant, she was still very thankful to experience what she did. “I did not place, but being my first national pageant, that was not really my goal. I was just so happy to be there. I really mean that,” she said.

Her term as Miss Wyoming wrapped up in early April.

Anderson continues to work in real estate marketing, as well as doing freelance marketing, especially in social media. She doesn’t know yet if she will ever try out for another pageant again, admitting it’s a lot of work. “There were some days when I was just exhausted, but it was so worth it,” she said.

Anderson is thankful for all the support she received from family and friends. “I’m just so thankful for all the experiences and the opportunities that have come my way. I thank God every day that I get to live this life and I can’t wait to see what’s next,” she said.

Queen of the 'Earth'22Earth 👑Water👑Air👑Fire👑

Queen of the 'Earth'22
Earth 👑

Nice MPE'23 is gorgeous👑🌎

Nice MPE'23 is gorgeous👑🌎

Miss Earth USA 2023 is Danielle Mullins of Kentucky Kentucky's Danielle Mullins was proclaimed Miss Earth USA 2023 at th...

Miss Earth USA 2023 is Danielle Mullins of Kentucky

Kentucky's Danielle Mullins was proclaimed Miss Earth USA 2023 at the culmination of the national pageant held on Saturday, January 7 at the Linda Chapin Theater of the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida.

The 25-year-old professional stylist and makeup artist based in Louisville received her crown and sash from her predecessor Brielle Simmons of Connecticut.

Maryland's Shawna Melvin was named Miss Earth USA Air while the representatives of Florida, Natalia Aldarondo, Nebraska, Angel Strong, and Tennessee, Gracie Pfaff were announced Miss Earth USA Water, Fire, and Eco, respectively.

Rounding out the Top 12 were Arkansas, District of Columbia, New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and Washington while the rest of the Top 20 were California, Hawaii, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Ohio and Virginia.

The new Miss Earth USA is a graduate of Eastern Kentucky University with a degree in public relations. She will now prepare to represent the USA at the Miss Earth 2023 pageant which is expected to be held in Vietnam later this year.

Danielle believes that beauty for a cause is more than just a pretty face but a face for positive change. As Miss Earth USA, she wants to be an example for others and inspire them to do the same.

"I love to inspire women to love their self(ie) and use stories from my own personal struggles and overcoming to empower people. One of my goals in life is to help change the way women see themselves," she said.

10 Horror Sequels That Completely Jumped the Shark

10 Horror Sequels That Completely Jumped the Shark



All about Miss Earth USA 2023 Finale Miss Earth USA 2023, the official preliminary of USA at Miss Earth, is all set to b...

All about Miss Earth USA 2023 Finale

Miss Earth USA 2023, the official preliminary of USA at Miss Earth, is all set to be held on Saturday, 7th January 2023 where the winner will be crowned Miss Earth United States 2023 and become the official representative of USA at Miss Earth 2023. Miss Earth USA 2022 Brielle Simmons will crown her successor at the end of the event finale.

Here are the important details of Miss Earth USA 2023 –

Finale Date – 7th January 2023

Finale Time – 7:30 PM (EST)

Finale Venue – Linda Chaplin Theatre, Orlando, Florida

All about Miss Earth USA 2023 Danielle Mullins Danielle Mullins of Kentucky was crowned Miss Earth USA 2023 at the final...

All about Miss Earth USA 2023 Danielle Mullins

Danielle Mullins of Kentucky was crowned Miss Earth USA 2023 at the finale of the national pageant held on Saturday, 7th January 2023 at the Linda Chapin Theater of the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida. She will represent USA at Miss Earth 2023.

Danielle Mullins is 25 years of age and a professional stylist and makeup artist based in Louisville. She is a graduate of Eastern Kentucky University with a degree in public relations. She was a strong contender at the national competition impressing the judges with her strong advocacy and a charming personality.

Miss Earth USA 2023 visits Meadow Lands students

Miss Earth USA 2023 visits Meadow Lands students

Happy belated birthday to our fun loving and beautiful   Natalia Aldarondo 🌸 Sending love to you! 💋

Happy belated birthday to our fun loving and beautiful Natalia Aldarondo 🌸 Sending love to you! 💋

Came through DRIPPIN 💧 I’ve been working with  for a little over a month now and the results have been insane! I’m learn...

Came through DRIPPIN 💧
I’ve been working with for a little over a month now and the results have been insane!
I’m learning healthy eating habits, my abs are popping even when I’m not in full “training” mode, and I’ve finally seen definition on these legs!🙌🏽
I think what I love most about working with Maggie is that she checks in on my mental well being as well. She is truly concerned about all aspects of my health.
I’m so grateful we have her as part of team MEUSA! Miss Earth… we’re coming for ya 🔥

Not many people in this world I would let wake me up almost an hour before my alarm goes off😹😹 But Christina (my former ...

Not many people in this world I would let wake me up almost an hour before my alarm goes off😹😹 But Christina (my former KY Earth Director and now our Junior Ambassador director), is one of them! 🥹🫶🏽
We had a cup of coffee together, watched the sunrise and enjoyed a minute of girl time.
While enjoying the simplicity’s of life- I thought about all the simplicity’s that make such a difference.
Like my cup of coffee! One way I make sure to get in enough protein in a day as a vegetarian is by adding a scoop of protein powder to my coffee. 🙌🏽 As you give a try, this is one simple change you can make to help you keep on track.
Protein is vital to a successful plant based dietary plan! Even if only doing it once a week to help the Earth 😘
But speaking of simplicity… a simple phone call manyyyy moons ago from Christina gave me the encouragement I needed to return to pageantry. I didn’t win my first try at being - but I kept with it and you all know the rest 🥹
And now here we are! Both of us have made simple lifestyle changes to help us hit our goals and both have leveled up this year! My heart is so full and so proud 🥹
Wanted to start off your week with a little positivity and encouragement ✨
Keep making those simple changes. Those simple changes change the EARTH 🫶🏽

Your 2023 Miss Earth USA is Kentucky - Danielle Mullins!Air - Maryland Water - Florida Fire - Nebraska Eco - Tennessee  ...

Your 2023 Miss Earth USA is Kentucky - Danielle Mullins!
Air - Maryland
Water - Florida
Fire - Nebraska
Eco - Tennessee



I am Danielle Mullins… YOUR MISS EARTH USA 2023! 😭😭🙌🏽🙌🏽I am absolutely overwhelmed with emotions of pride, gratitude, an...

I am Danielle Mullins… YOUR MISS EARTH USA 2023! 😭😭🙌🏽🙌🏽

I am absolutely overwhelmed with emotions of pride, gratitude, and excitement to embark on this new journey! I have so much to say— you will see a much longer post later once I figure out how to combine all these emotions into words.

But for now… thank you to EVERYONE who has supported me on my journey and of course to everyone apart of the Miss Earth USA organization! I am so honored to be apart of the sisterhood!

It’s been an amazing, fast paced first day and I’m so excited to share it all with you all!

To God be the glory!

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— at Rosen Centre (Orlando, FL).




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